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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ray Rice Avoids Prosecution

Ravens running back Ray Rice might soon be able to put his legal troubles behind him.

His lawyer Michael Diamondstein confirms to WBAL Radio that Rice has been approved for a pre-trial intervention program.

Prosecutors agree to drop aggravated assault charges against Rice if he stays out of trouble for one year, gets counseling and pays court costs.

Prosecutor Jim McClain said in a statement, "This decision was arrived at after careful consideration of the information contained in Mr. Rice's application in light of the facts gathered during the investigation. After considering all relevant information in light of applicable law, it was determined that this was the appropriate disposition."


  1. There’s nothing better than celebrity justice!! If the average person beat the hell out of their wife or girlfriend, they would be in jail for a long time. Will this crap ever change?
    Karma's bitc$. Hopefully, his career will end on the football field.

  2. Shades of OJ. When he finally murders her everyone will feel sorry for her when the handwriting was on the wall the whole time. I have no use for foolish women.

  3. Of course he does. Typical Ravens trash.

  4. Most football players like him and Ray Lewis are on Roids and will always be criminals.

  5. The name Ray says it all in Baltimore! No guilty by reason of celebrity! More yards please,,,,

  6. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ It is what makes the world revolve.

  7. Pays court costs. Gee, I wish all of us could have that option. Buy your way out of trouble. The American Way.


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