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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Private Foundations Funded Push For Common Core Standards

A handful of large foundations, including the Gates foundation, Carnegie foundation, Helmsley foundation and Hewlett foundation have collectively spent almost $300 million on the advocacy, development and implementation of the Common Core State Standards, analysis of the foundations’ grant reports reveals.

The breakdown of the grants shows that the Gates foundation has given out over $200 million, the Carnegie foundation $47.8 million, Helmsley $20 million, and Hewlett just over $15 million.

Other foundations, such as the Broad foundation, report giving extensively to organizations associated with the planning, development and implementation of the Common Core, but do not cite specific amounts contributed.



  1. It used to be that when you worked for a company, the company spent some time and money training you on how to follow their procedures, use their equipment, etc. The whole point of common core is to shift that low level work training onto the school systems so that big business can trim that out of their budgets. Hence all the talk about "process" and learning how to read manual and follow directions. People, your children are being set up to be slaves of big business (and being denied the ability to think for themselves) on purpose. If you love your kids, pull them out of school today before they get drugged up for thinking to hard.

  2. Does anyone have a list including phone numbers or email addresses, of citizens Against "common core"?
    I would really be helpful to be able to plug into local groups.

  3. Organizations don't invest in anything without an expected benefit. So what does the Gates Foundation hope to get that exceeds $200 million?

  4. "So what does the Gates Foundation hope to get that exceeds $200 million?"

    Happy little stupid slave workers who will use Microsoft in their cubicles during the day and stream the latest mind numbing trash coming from Hollywood at night...oh, wait, he already has that.

  5. 10:32 - contact the Worcester County Tea Party


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