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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Parts Of Maryland May Be In Danger From Rising Sea Level

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — Maryland has been labeled one of the most vulnerable states to a rise in sea level and a new report says several of our historic monuments are in particular danger.

Derek Valcourt explains the dire warnings for parts of historic Annapolis and the Eastern Shore.

When Hurricane Isabel struck in 2003, the huge tidal surge left all of the historical area of Annapolis near the City Docks under water. Now, a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists finds within the next few decades, the bustling historical area could eventually be underwater more often than not—and you can blame it all on climate change.


  1. Bring it on! I can swim.

  2. Oh, and the sky is falling, too...

  3. Here we go again.. the environmentalist fear mongering...


  4. Tongue in cheek.....If it swept away OweMalley, OweBrown and all the other Donkeys in the legislature it would be a good thing!

  5. There are boats in deserts around the world because at one time the land was under water. The world has always been changing so get over it.

  6. so far everyone of these comments are great. I agree with all.

  7. ever notice how the man-made climate change crowd never mentions the HAARP Program?

  8. And what about the tree stumps found 600 feet underwater south of Louisiana? Oh, God, Marty, it's the end of the world for Maryland! Of course, Delaware and Virginia will remain unaffected????

    What an ignoramus!

    Bang head here if you believe any of this drivel...


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