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Friday, May 16, 2014

Open letter to White Privilege Conference 2014


  1. So, there you are!
    We are what we make ourselves.

  2. Sooooo, taking responsibility for your actions, motivations and dreams actually works!

    This truly shows that there are non-whites that can and have made a success for themselves without handouts, affirmative action, and special programs.

    Now we can eliminate all of these programs since they are proven to be not necessary for success. Let's save the country billions of dollars and actually get qualified, intelligent, and capable people working in the right places!

    Thanks, young lady for showing what most of us already knew to be true! No go out and share this message to the remainder of the non-white group and get them on board the program!

  3. She makes good sense. All black people have that opportunity. Problem is they rely on hand outs from the Democrats. And if a white privilege conference is wrong then what about a NAACP conference.

  4. Just like it should be, no work, no food!


  5. Thank you, madam, for coming out and putting some faith in the American work ethic. You and your family are examples of what can be if we rise above the promoters of "poor me", "gimme-gimme", "look what I got" and "gimme more", of whom there are far too many.
    Have faith and have some pride in something that's real, not some made up status that gets you and all who come after you nowhere but nowhere.

  6. The term "white privilege" is a racial slur that promotes the discrimination of people based on race.

  7. UH OH REVEREND AL ain't gonna be happy when he hears what that woman has to say.She sounds like a very proud person and she has every right to be.

  8. I would marry her.


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