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Thursday, May 22, 2014

On Benghazi, GOP remains suspicious of Hillary Clinton

It's common for Republicans to say there are "unanswered questions" about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. In some cases, though, it might be more accurate to say that questions have been answered, but Republicans don't believe the answers.

A prime example concerns then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's knowledge about the lax security surrounding U.S. diplomats in Libya. There's no doubt the situation was terrible; the Obama administration was woefully unprepared for trouble in the months leading up to the violence.



  1. They should be scared too! This woman had key witnesses killed to cover up her Whitewater scam.

  2. Every american citizen should be suspicious and very leary of Hillary Clinton. What NORMAL person makes the comment of "Who Cares?" after several people die? Especially people who were under your direction per se. She would have cared if it had been her family - oh let me rephrase that - If it had been a member of her family we would have been at WAR instantly!

  3. She should be tried for Treason.

  4. We're suspicious of the HildaBeast for her past history - not just recent history.

    Suspicious deaths surrounding Whitewater - makes me think she wouldn't hesitate to order the hit on someone in her way...I'm surprised she didn't win in '08....

  5. Another democrat that will lie, cheat and kill to get to the WH.


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