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Friday, May 23, 2014

O'Malley To Grads: Fight Climate Change

Gov. Martin O'Malley urged graduating students from the state's flagship university Thursday to work against climate change, which he called "the transformation that transforms everything."

O'Malley, a term-limited Democrat who is considering a run for the White House in 2016, said climate change is transforming education, language, mobility, farming, forestry, buildings, energy and cities. He said the problem requires "a transformation of our imagination."

"We are adept, aren't we, at imagining the end of the world, but not yet so good at imagining a new beginning," O'Malley told thousands of graduates at the University of Maryland, College Park.



  1. he should have told them get out of this state so you can find a job

  2. it is beyond me that we just cannot do better. it is just common sense that this is just BS.

  3. a blurred photo, just like his administration

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 23, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    Fight Liberal Democ-rats, Ptogressives and Socialists like your life depends on it. Because as long as rhese Crooks are in charge there will not be jobs.

  5. one of the most clueless people ever. why oh why do we have this man as our governor. don't answer because I really know the answer, but isn't there some way we can "breakaway" from the liberals in the rest of the state?

  6. An OweMalley selfey

  7. O'Malley to grads... Be an idiot like me!


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