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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Oil and gas industry responsible for more than 7,600 spills, blowouts, and leaks in 2013

According to a new analysis by EnergyWire, that's an average of about 20 spills every single day of last year. Although most of the spills were small, altogether they add up to about 26 million gallons of gas, oil, fracking fluid, and other toxic substances. And, this data doesn't even include figures from spills in Louisiana, one of our nation's largest natural-gas producing states. The oil and gas industry has been spewing toxic sludge all over our country, and leaving us to deal with the fall out. Making the switch to renewable energy is not only about fighting climate change. Millions of gallons of oil and gas are polluting our land, water, and air, and oil giants are privatizing their profits, and sticking us with the bill for clean up. Not only will solar and wind help end our addiction to fossil fuels, they'll prevent us from socializing the costs of living with Big Oil. Renewable energy will give us a greener future, and it can give us a cleaner nation today as well.


  1. That's not the solution yet, and no reason to keep letting this happen. Currently, solar and wind do not produce energy at night, and there is no viable storage capacity to hold us over, so oil and gas will have to be dealt with until something else comes along. Allowing misbehavior has never been beneficial, and Big Oil needs to be held accountable.

  2. There's a good start in 2014 as well.

  3. Another attempt by the LEFT to move you to much more expensive and less efficient energy...

  4. How about we charge the Earth with polluting. The seabed off the coast of Santa Barbara leaks thousands of gallons crude oil 24/7 and has done so for millions of years. The oil forms tar balls that wash up on the beach. Nobody complains because "big oil" isn't involved in this oil spill.

  5. Oil and Gas Industry responsible for...1000's of jobs in 2013.
    Lefty liberals need not apply!

  6. Oil and gas industry responsible for 1000s of deaths too, please apply for Obamacare.

    Being that big oil has market cap of $4 trillion related to unexploited reserves--seems like a good fine, unfortunately, they may lose 40 -- 60% when more governments implement revenue-neutral carbon taxes, like BC

  7. 6:37 AM are you saying the wind doesn't blow at night?


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