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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Ohio Parents Start Hormone Therapy On 9-year-old ‘Transgender’ Son

“It just comes down to love. I mean, if you love your child then you should do anything in the world for your child. And it’s as simple and as pure as that.” The words are those of Emily LeVan who, along with her husband, Clint, has arranged for their son, Keating (Keat, for short) to begin hormone therapy — a first step toward becoming the female who Keat believes he is.

According to a Barcroft TV video (which can be viewed here), Keat reportedly began identifying as female at age 4.

The LeVans, who have already begun referring to their son as she, note that they have been attacked for their decision, which they insist is in Keat’s best interests. But it’s not just mean-spirited people who think the LeVans are making a mistake. Medical science militates against injecting a prepubescent child with hormones.


  1. Democrats no doubt. If there is any doubt that democrats are sick people look no further than this article.

  2. I don't believe that a 4 year old knows anything about who or what he or she should be. I do believe the parents of this child should be in mental hospital or jail.

  3. They are sick bastards and they need to be charged with neglect and child abuse. Any physician who carries through with this needs to be jailed as well.

  4. Second that 4:45! Anyone that would do this to a young defenseless child
    needs to be put in jail or a rubber room in the nearest psychiatric facility. This is pure abuse.
    But it's what liberalism stands for. Nothing! Liberals are low class, morally corrupt people that lower standards of decency to accommodate their perversion, lawlessness, hypocrisy and corruption. In other words, Democrats have to lower the bar to have any self esteem because they do not have the will power or self control to meet acceptable human standards.
    I pity them, and this poor child.

  5. If this child is truly trans gender there is plenty of time for this to be explored. If as a grown adult this child feels the same, he/she can make their own decision. It is not something that needs to be handled medically now. Bad decision on the part of the parents to do this now. Who is this child's doctor?

  6. Yep I knew it too. Democrats. Check her out on FB-Emily Honaker LeVan. Her "Likes" include-Reelect Obama, Leaning Left Loving Life, and of course all kinds of homo and trans crap. It's just amazing how anyone can identity with the democratic party anymore. They are some sick, crude, vulgar SOB's that's for sure.

  7. "Democrats have to lower the bar to have any self esteem because they do not have the will power or self control to meet acceptable human standards."

    You hit the nail exactly on it's head 5:23. No self control, weak people.

  8. 5:23 - Well said! My thoughts exactly, but you nailed it.

  9. Sick sick sick.

  10. Ben in SalisburyMay 3, 2014 at 7:47 PM

    Dealing with adolescent anything is tough and will be forever. I have no problem with various acts of parents, I don't think that having a physically or mentally young person anyway making decisions like their health care, where to go to school or where to have their parents move is healthy. To big of a question shouldn't be done on a whim which adolescents have a tendency to do. That is another list of reasons I have no kids and know I would be a lousy parent

  11. This is wrong. No choice should be made until this child is much older.

  12. There is a reason for the 18/ 21 age of adulthood. Can anyone say PUBERTY??????
    Has this community lost their freaking minds????

  13. In 10 years we will hear about this child suing his/her parents for making the wrong choice.

  14. I am unwilling to cast the first stone. And no... I am not a democrat.

  15. A child is a gift from GOD and with that said, if that child was to be a girl than he would have been born a female.

  16. Child abuse. He was born a boy, and now they are destroying his identity and his life. Can't believe the doctors would allow this! I guess castration and a gender change operation will be next in "it's" future!

  17. This is wrong on so many levels. Why are they telling the media? Now this poor child will have no privacy.

    I do feel badly for other parents who actually have the agonizing decision as to which gender their child will be because their child was born with both sets of organs.

  18. To all of you with a health child...God bless. BUT UNTIL you have walked a mile in their shoes you have NO ROOM to talk. If you have ever had a child with a genetic problem then you could possibly chime in. BUT until you know anything about genetics I suggest you remain silent. I do believe that genetics is a little above some of the capability shown here.

  19. Sicko

    Emily Honaker LeVan commented on a link.

    June 24, 2013
    Congratulations! This will hopefully give me the ammo that I need to confront our school for my daughter!

    Victory for Coy Mathis! | GLAAD

    GLAAD and the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) announced today that the Colorado Civil Rights Division has ruled in favor of six-year-old Coy Mathis, whose school had barred her from...

  20. 4:26 This has nothing to do with genetics! This has everything to do with some very twisted liberal activist parents destroying a child's life for political notoriety!
    Do your research before YOU chime in!

  21. 4:26 is that the reason for your rant? genetics? surprised you learned how to type!


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