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Friday, May 16, 2014


Truly, these United States Of America stand at a critical threshold. A furtive and dark force has moved inexorably across the land. It’s various agents have executed an agenda which has ensured the unparalleled debasement of its once civil society, as well as the corruption of its people. With the rapid proliferation of information technology and deep penetration of the internet into every sphere of life, this societal degeneration has accelerated exponentially over the past five years.

So much of what has occurred in the USA over the past five plus years has served to profoundly undermine the moral fabric of society. It is now clear that an ultra-liberal and brazenly permissive agenda has been foisted on the nation, whether the people wanted it or not. Yes, there are plenty of devotees to this overly materialistic and hedonistic philosophy of life; however, the vast majority of Americans are repulsed by it. How then has this dubious agenda been able to proceed with such force and speed. And, with so little resistance.

When the executive branch of the US Federal Government colludes with the Mainstream Media and Corporate Sector, there is simply no stopping it. Especially when both the legislative and judicial branches have been sufficiently threatened and intimidated, there is even less chance of slowing down this unparalleled Juggernaut. How then will We the People take back our power, our government, and our lives from the locus of power that seems hellbent on national destruction?



  1. This is a bit of a read, but very well written. This administration MUST go!

  2. Nothing will happen because the Democrats own the MSM, except for Fox. If these things had happened with a Republican president, he'd be gone by now.

  3. Excellent article


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