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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Now here’s the truth on Racism in America

On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.

Republicans led the charge on civil rights and women’s rights.

This list was originally compiled by Michael Zak at Grand Ole Partisan and then posted atFree Republic:

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

Republican Party Support: 100% Democratic Party Support: 23%

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

*1865: The KKK launches as the “Terrorist Arm” of the Democratic Party

February 5, 1866: U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA) introduces legislation, successfully opposed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, to implement “40 acres and a mule” relief by distributing land to former slaves

April 9, 1866: Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Johnson’s veto; Civil Rights Act of 1866, conferring rights of citizenship on African-Americans, becomes law

April 19, 1866: Thousands assemble in Washington, DC to celebrate Republican Party’s abolition of slavery

May 10, 1866: U.S. House passes Republicans’ 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the laws to all citizens; 100% of Democrats vote no

June 8, 1866: U.S. Senate passes Republicans’ 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the law to all citizens; 94% of Republicans vote yes and 100% of Democrats vote no

July 16, 1866: Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of Freedman’s Bureau Act, which protected former slaves from “black codes” denying their rights

July 28, 1866: Republican Congress authorizes formation of the Buffalo Soldiers, two regiments of African-American cavalrymen

July 30, 1866: Democrat-controlled City of New Orleans orders police to storm racially-integrated Republican meeting; raid kills 40 and wounds more than 150

January 8, 1867: Republicans override Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of law granting voting rights to African-Americans in D.C.

July 19, 1867: Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of legislation protecting voting rights of African-Americans

March 30, 1868: Republicans begin impeachment trial of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who declared: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government of white men”

May 20, 1868: Republican National Convention marks debut of African-American politicians on national stage; two – Pinckney Pinchback and James Harris – attend as delegates, and several serve as presidential electors

1868 (July 9): 14th Amendment passes and recognizes newly freed slaves as U.S. Citizens

Republican Party Support: 94% Democratic Party Support: 0%

September 3, 1868: 25 African-Americans in Georgia legislature, all Republicans, expelled by Democrat majority; later reinstated by Republican Congress

September 12, 1868: Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and all other African-Americans in Georgia Senate, every one a Republican, expelled by Democrat majority; would later be reinstated by Republican Congress

September 28, 1868: Democrats in Opelousas, Louisiana murder nearly 300 African-Americans who tried to prevent an assault against a Republican newspaper editor

October 7, 1868: Republicans denounce Democratic Party’s national campaign theme: “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule”

October 22, 1868: While campaigning for re-election, Republican U.S. Rep. James Hinds (R-AR) is assassinated by Democrat terrorists who organized as the Ku Klux Klan

November 3, 1868: Republican Ulysses Grant defeats Democrat Horatio Seymour in presidential election; Seymour had denounced Emancipation Proclamation

December 10, 1869: Republican Gov. John Campbell of Wyoming Territory signs FIRST-in-nation law granting women right to vote and to hold public office

February 3, 1870: The US House ratifies the 15th Amendment granting voting rights to all Americans regardless of race

Republican support: 97% Democrat support: 3%

February 25, 1870: Hiram Rhodes Revels becomes the first Black seated in the US Senate, becoming the First Black in Congress and the first Black Senator.

May 19, 1870: African American John Langston, law professor and future Republican Congressman from Virginia, delivers influential speech supporting President Ulysses Grant’s civil rights policies

May 31, 1870: President U.S. Grant signs Republicans’ Enforcement Act, providing stiff penalties for depriving any American’s civil rights

June 22, 1870: Republican Congress creates U.S. Department of Justice, to safeguard the civil rights of African-Americans against Democrats in the South

September 6, 1870: Women vote in Wyoming, in FIRST election after women’s suffrage signed into law by Republican Gov. John Campbell

December 12, 1870: Republican Joseph Hayne Rainey becomes the first Black duly elected by the people and the first Black in the US House of Representatives

In 1870 and 1871, along with Revels (R-Miss) and Rainey (R-SC), other Blacks were elected to Congress from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and Virginia – all Republicans.

A Black Democrat Senator didn’t show up on Capitol Hill until 1993. The first Black Congressman was not elected until 1935.

February 28, 1871: Republican Congress passes Enforcement Act providing federal protection for African-American voters

March 22, 1871: Spartansburg Republican newspaper denounces Ku Klux Klan campaign to eradicate the Republican Party in South Carolina

April 20, 1871: Republican Congress enacts the (anti) Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans

Read the rest here.


  1. Thank you Joe for posting this one. The Republicans fought the Democrats for 80 years following the Civil War over civil rights for former slaves. Many of the first elected legislators were in the Republican party.

    Even Eisenhower signed a civil rights bill that Kennedy supported but NOT Lyndon Johnson. He was all about the vote and his 'Great Society' ensured that those handouts would keep blacks voting for democrats for many decades to come.

    But they aren't allowed to teach THAT bit of history in school.

    1. You and the OP are idiots. Again and again with this ridiculous Reps vs Dems setup. The two parties espoused each others opposing views back then. The dems were pro-slavery and held members of the kkk. The reps (Lincoln) were anti-slavery and liberal, much like dens are today. The point is this crossover in viewpoints took place gradually over 100 years. No one really noticed that each party was beginning to lean in each others direction and after over 100 years Dr. Jekyll turned into Mr. Hyde and Mr. Hyde turned into Dr. Jekyll. So just stop already with this insipid attempt to re-dress todays republican party in democrats clothes. The republican party is not the party of the good guys. If you want to be good guys then do good things. Dont try to psyche everybody out with this petty bs.

  2. Unfortunately blacks were "freed" from the slave quarters on plantations only to be relegated to the modern day slave quarters known as The Projects.
    So many aren't living-they are only existing-existing on whatever pittance the government throws at them so they remain obedient compliant slaves to the democratic party.
    But they deserve no pity. They grew it so they deserve to wallow in their cesspools of crime and poverty. Blacks overwhelming supported and continue to support Obama and the democrats. When you support liars (and incompetence) you are worse than the liar.
    Black children don't stand a chance with the hypocrisy they were so unfortunate to be born into. Church on Sundays and then voting for liars and those who opposed Christian values and traditions.

  3. Now the Democrats have them back in slavery - and they want to be there!

    At least during the pre civil-war era you got work out of them...now they're just plain leeches!

    Republicans would find a way for them to have a job and be productive...Democrats just want to redistribute the wealth.....

  4. There are two societies in todays world. The middle whats left of it is almost dead. Alot of the lower society thinks that whats the point at working at a job that doesnt pay you enough to even bother showing up. You lose more by working than if you just have kids with no daddies and get the help from the goverment. These little kids that are born into this are true victims. They are just pure beautiful little babies that get taught nothing and have very little chance of ever breaking the cycle. Heck most dont even know that it is a cycle. It is all of our jobs to do whatever we can to help any little kid that never had a choice. Thats the the human thing to do. They are just little kids. If we dont save the children(color doesnt matter) its game over folks.

  5. On December 13, 1711, the New York City Common Council made Wall Street the city's first official slave market for the sale and rental of enslaved Africans and Indians

  6. The Democrats also turned a blind eye to Hitler's killing of the Jews, and turned back an entire shipload of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, the Jews that were on that ship, later were all killed in death camps! Their blood is directly on Democrats hands!

  7. 3:29 and the list goes on and on with the atrocities of the democratic party.

    Jobs, values, that is where its' at.

  8. I cannot wait to read all about how Republicans were all for gay rights too. Just a misunderstanding.

  9. 4:05 I, like many others, frankly don't give a rats ass about gay rights. And I'm a Republican and proud of it.

  10. Is that all you can come up with 4:05? Why don't you just admit it, the democrat party are evil people whose ultimate goal is complete control over everyone and every aspect of their lives.
    Why don't you just admit every single democrat policy has failed black people miserably.
    You can not deny that each and every city home to many minorities under democrat control for generations is a war zone.
    To compare gays to blacks is a horrible example and goes to show the twisted mindset of you liberals. How dare you. Gays weren't held in slavery. You are one nauseating individual to try and compare the 2.

  11. 4:05 What does gay rights have to do with this conversation?

  12. Just like the Democrats want to stop a rancher for his cattle grassing on land that is owned by the American people, because of some endangered turtle. I don't know about you, but I've never heard of a cow eating a turtle.

  13. Gays and their sick and immoral ways should stay hidden in their closets, just as they did in the old days when morals and principles were appreciated in America. Homos stick gross things in their filthy orafices that animals know better not to do.
    If we can get these sickos back in their closets and bring the Bible out more often in the U.S., our youths would have more values and we'd be a nation worthy of more respect.

  14. 4:05 Which bathroom do you use? Why don't you just skip on over to Rehoboth Beach with your other Democratic liberal buddies and have a nice candlelight dinner.

  15. Anonymous said...
    4:05 I, like many others, frankly don't give a rats ass about gay rights. And I'm a Republican and proud of it.

    May 2, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    WTH!! Fagism is the next "race" card.

    You people are sick. Gays and homosexuality is a mental disorder so do not try to shame Republicans into your guilt trip.

  16. Hopefully this post will help people wake up to the shell game known as the democratic and republican parties. If you haven't realized...the agenda is the same for the one's bought off by globalist and corporate interests. The party game is merely a distraction people. Individual thought, individual freedom. Say no to tribalism.

  17. Today's mislead Democrats don't know their history, They've been lied to their whole lives in school and by the media... They are members of the largest hate group in the world.

  18. With all these wonderful things the Republicans have done for blacks over the past 200 years, why is it that republicans can't get the majority of the black vote?

  19. Southern bigoted democrats fled the party after LBJ and became part of Nixon's southern strategy. Republicans have been playing up to that base ever since.

  20. Anonymous said...
    With all these wonderful things the Republicans have done for blacks over the past 200 years, why is it that republicans can't get the majority of the black vote?

    May 4, 2014 at 2:49 PM

    Because the Democrats keep feeding the animals.

  21. I will take a Klan member over Obama, Reid, Pelosi, O'Malley, Ireton and Pollitt any day. At least you know that devil.

  22. 3:02. I dont even know where to begin. Democrats talking points? Or, you need to take some more history lessons? Perhaps you have GOT to be kidding?

    Either one, its just not true. The great Society LBJ established effectively enslaved millions of blacks to the democratic party. Handouts, entitlements, and affirmative action policies were meant to discrimate against working class and gain the vote for rhe democratic party.

    You were duped.


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