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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Move over Monica, another Clinton-sex victim speaks

Her slogan now: 'Hillary is the war on women'

– Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who claims she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, says she is very sympathetic toward Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern who, after 19 years, has decided to tell all about the lies and deceit surrounding the sexual relationship that ultimately led to impeachment.

“She has every right to tell her story,” said Willey. “She probably needs to if she is going to have experience any kind of normal life going forward.”

But she is quick to point out the story is never going away – especially if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016.

Asked if she thought a Hillary candidacy was likely, Willey quickly said: “She’s going to run. No question about it.”

As strongly revolted as she is about the actions of Bill Clinton during her tumultuous experience, Willey reserves a special revulsion for Hillary Clinton’s role in the cover-up.


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