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Monday, May 12, 2014

Michelle Obama to give weekly White House radio address, on Boko Haram

Michelle Obama on Saturday criticized the kidnapping of scores of Nigerian schoolgirls as an 'unconscionable act' carried out by a terrorist group she said is determined to keep them from getting an education - 'or grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls.'

Taking over the president's weekly radio and Internet address on the eve of the American holiday for honoring mothers, the first lady said that, like millions of people around the world, she and President Barack Obama are 'outraged and heartbroken' over the April 15 abduction of the girls from their dormitory.

'In these girls, Barack and I see our own daughters,' Mrs. Obama said, referring to Malia, 15, and Sasha, 12. 'We see their hopes, their dreams and we can only imagine the anguish their parents are feeling right now.'



  1. So they dress their daughters in burkas while in the WH residence!

  2. So now Michelle is in on the diversion thing.Screw everything in the US up beyond repair and fix Africa.

  3. Boy, you guys really have to be frothing at the mouth with partisan vitriol to find something negative with this.

    534, last I heard, it was a GLOBAL war on terror.

    520 whaaaat?

  4. 7:19 --guess what? Benghazi was a CIA operation.. why didn't Obama say that during the election cycle?

    creating Boogie Men to take the news where you people desire it to be is nothing new.. shelve the personal attacks ..because you represent murdering liars and that makes you complicit

  5. I wish she would speak out on the millions of children who are being held hostage figuratively in the cesspools of crime and poverty called the inner cities in this country. She wouldn't dare offend that voter base though.

  6. When is Procol Harem putting out their next album, man? It's been years!

  7. 905 thanks for highlighting a point I've had for awhile. You people are raving mad over issues that you don't have a clue about. MO has spoken during several high profile events and media releases regarding conditions in the inner city. She's from Chicago and has routinely talked about the plight of many parts of the city. 10 seconds on google and you would find her talking to youth about what they need to do to come out of this (work hard and get an education). You people would know this if you actually took time to gather facts for yourself. Im not saying you have to love the first lady, but have enough respect for your own intellect to become informed before you make a decision, or ignorant statement like 905.

  8. 856: "creating Boogie Men"....sooooo islamic extremist groups setting up shop in lawless portions of countries in order to conduct acts of terrorism is a "boogie man" issue now?

  9. You are full of crap 6:50. By no one's stretch of the imagination does she "routinely talk about the plight of many parts of the city."
    She's made an appearance in Chicago to supposedly address the violence and all she did was say how business leaders and the government needed to give 50 million dollars for at risk youths.
    You are the ignorant one who needs to wise up. It's ignoramuses like you who haven't the "intellect" to see the root of the problem which is a breakdown of the family and irresponsible parenting. This is what she should be addressing but doesn't because the democrat voter base would be offended.
    You need to have "respect for your own intellect" (LOL-what in the heck does that mean?) and get informed because you are grossly uninformed and it shows. Throwing money at a problem never works and if you were informed you would be aware of this.

  10. So this was an attempt to deny these girls an education and squelch their aspirations? Really? Sorta like Obama and progressive libs have done in the U.S. to thousands of underprivileged children getting great educations in charter schools under voucher programs. He shut a lot of them down after he was elected.

  11. What is wrong with these people (the Obamas)?! Why do they only identify with blacks? Why isn't it enough that there are young girls who have been kidnapped? Do they want the whites to ignore this because the girls "don't look like their daughters"?

  12. Ms. Obama's husband has killed more children with his drone attacks than Boko Haram ever will.

  13. We'll trade her for the hostages.....


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