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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Michelle Obama slams GOP move to add white potatoes to food benefits

A GOP measure to add white potatoes to the list of foods low-income women can buy using poverty benefits would increase childhood obesity, says First Lady Michelle Obama.

In an op-ed in the New York Times today, Obama accused Congress of attempting 'to undo so much of what we’ve accomplished on behalf of our children.'

She specifically used a House Republican effort to reform the Women, Infants and Children program as proof positive that Congress is trying to 'override science.'

'Now, there is nothing wrong with potatoes,' Obama wrote. 'The problem is that many women and children already consume enough potatoes and not enough of the nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables they need.'



  1. This putrid abomination has ZERO business telling anyone anything. She is nothing but a shell of a person, who is dragged around by her nose by men. She's a piss poor excuse for a woman and a mother. She not only puts up with a lying husband who disrespects and uses women but lies herself as well when ordered to. She's so gross and vulgar that she allows in her space "musicians" who in their "songs" promote gang lifestyles and derogatory words for women and minorities.

  2. She has a large posterior as well...

  3. It’s a surprise for many to discover one medium potato (5.3 oz) with the skin contains:

    45 percent of the daily value for vitamin C
    More potassium (620 mg) than even bananas, spinach, or broccoli;
    10 percent of the daily value of B6;
    Trace amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and zinc
    …and all this for just 110 calories and no fat, sodium or cholesterol.

  4. She want collards and hogjaw, not potatoes.

  5. Thank you 11:58! You saved me the trouble...
    Mrs.Obama is NOT a nutritionist, in fact ALL she is, is a disbarred disgraced lawyer with a degree procured through lowered affirmative action standards like her husband.
    She is a fraud! Like her husband.
    A poser like her husband.

  6. Um the numbers you put up inky bolster mo's argument. Potatoes are not vitamin dense relative to other veggie choices and you know for a fact most people aren't eating them without modifying with plenty of additions that significantly increase the calorie count. This decision was nothing more than a congressional buyout by farmers.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Thank you 11:58! You saved me the trouble...
    Mrs.Obama is NOT a nutritionist, in fact ALL she is, is a disbarred disgraced lawyer with a degree procured through lowered affirmative action standards like her husband.
    She is a fraud! Like her husband.
    A poser like her husband.

    May 31, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    Spot on!!

    And brain dead Kool Aid drinkers worship her and the Kenyan.

  8. Their white that's why she doesn't like them. It's called potatoes racism.

  9. She is a fat pig and most people can't stand her or her opinions.


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