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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Michael Sam Drafted in NFL Because He Is Gay

A Fox News commentator said Monday that Michael Sam made it into the National Football League only because he is gay.

Sam, who was taken by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh and final round of the draft on Saturday, announced he was gay earlier this year. He is now the first openly gay player in NFL history.

On Monday's "The Five," host Eric Bolling cited Sam's poor results in the NFL Combine, an event that measures potential draftees' skills, saying Sam "had a terrible combine" and is not as good a player as others may think.

"Some people were saying he was pushed down, Bob [Beckel] thinks he was pushed down in the draft because he was being the first openly gay NFL player and the teams didn't want the distraction," Bolling said.

"I would say he was drafted because he was the first openly gay player. I don't think he would have been drafted had he not been. He had a terrible combine. His scores in the combine didn't earn him that draft pick."



  1. That was the only reason he was picked because he was a homosexual. ESPN should be ashamed of themselves to broadcast that filth of him exchanging a kiss with another man. Some. 6 foot 5 man acting like a big sissy.

  2. Michael Sam was drafted into the NFL because he is a good football player with NFL potential. Nuff said.

  3. @12:13 then why did his combine scores suck? You don't normally get drafted for scoring that low on the combine. I say BS! He was drafted because he is GAY!

  4. The fact that he was Defensive Player of the Year in the best college football conference hat nothing to do with it, I'm sure. Yup, the fact he's gay, that was the only reason.

  5. And let the christian hate come pouring out.

    Is he a top-tier, can't miss, prospect? No. Is he a NFL caliber, situation pass rusher, who can beat the edge? Yes.

    So, take your "He only got drafted, because he's gay" talk, and shove it. I hope your children don't follow your hatred towards others.

  6. And the Philadelphia Eagles signed West Point graduate and former Capt. Alejandro Villanueva, who served three deployments as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan. But no news story about his being drafted.

    It was all about him being gay. He is going to get pounded in the NFL by the big boys. But then again maybe he would enjoy it.

    His combine scores sucked, no pun intended. Should have never been drafted by those scores.

  7. 12:48 you sound like the one who is full of hate. You ought to pick up bible sometimes . There is nothing normal about a man kissing another man. Then to expose that kind of filth on TV in from of kids is a disgrace.

  8. And the brain dead liberal fascists said: "Off with Bolling's head!"

  9. There's a big difference between college and Pro's, He's 60 to 80 lbs undersized for the Pros and he will pay the price IF they let him play.

  10. The first time he gets stuffed and is carted off look out for the workplace violence suit.

  11. 12:48 Who said anything about religion? Homosexuality has nothing to do with religion, it has everything to do with unnatural acts, perversion and mental illness.
    With regard to football? NFL caliber? I doubt it. He was hired as a pro gay publicity stunt. Nothing more.

  12. who is Micheal Sam?... and how do Gay Activists know anything about some obscure Football player from a team that is almost never on National Tv?--or at least enough to say he is NFL caliber?..

    .anyone that Tool Bob Beckell supports has to be a part of an agenda..not a skilled player.. he supports Obama's malfeasance

  13. We shouldn't know anything about his proclivity towards sodomy

    He should be judged on his football playing merits alone

    He WANTED to be treated differently - that is why he "came out".

  14. He was selected because to NOT select him would be an act of HATE. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with a lack of skills and qualifications.
    Hmmm- kins of like the junior senator becoming King, er, President.

  15. 12:48 I guess only christians are gay 'haters', racist, policticaly incorrect and anything else which could be considered against a liberal agenda? For one I am sick and tired of all this christian bashing in a country that was founed on the right of christians to worship as they saw fit! Christians are more tolerant than most other religions, that's why they welcomed all other religions to settle this land as well. So take your christian 'haters' racist comment and shove it!

  16. Proof that most of mayor joes bloggers are OLD republicans. Times are changing.. Going to be nice in a few years!

  17. whats the matter 12:48 someone lick all the red off your candy???
    wish you had some Christian qualities ... the world would be a better place

  18. 12:48 is proof the American Psychiatric Association was misguided when they took Homosexuality off the list of Mental Disorders ...people like him demonstrate this time and time again


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