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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Medical Marijuana Law, Speed Camera Restrictions Take Effect On Sunday

A number of new laws take effect in Maryland on Sunday.

One of the most notable laws is the measure to expand medical marijuana in Maryland.

The legislation passed this year, and signed by Governor Martin O'Malley last month, expands on a 2013 medical marijuana law that allowed academic medical centers to dispense medical marijuana to patients. None of those centers in Maryland enrolled in the program.

The legislation passed this year allows doctors to recommend marijuana to patients. The marijuana could be made available through one of 15 licensed growers and dispensaries.



  1. Wow. We can now be forced to accept gay marriage while an ill criminal, high on legal marijuana, holds an unregistered illegal gun to our head while robbing us. Isn't Maryland just great?? Thanks communist liberals/democrats and presidential wanna be O'Malley!

  2. " ,,,one of 15 licensed growers and dispensaries."

    And those dispensaries will be where? And will any of the growers be on the Shore, where we can give some jobs and tax money improvements?

  3. Legalize marijuana and use profits to pay for public school. Property tax no longer pays for public schools!


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