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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Md. Principal Admits Pressure To Not Report School Violence

Baltimore City teachers are under attack at the hands of their own students. It happened to one man whose bright teaching career abruptly ended when he was brutally beaten.

Denise Koch investigates how bad the violence is and if there is pressure not to report it.

Teachers are under attack, fight back against their own students—and losing.

In 2012, students assaulted a substitute teacher at Digital Harbor High School in Federal Hill. A year earlier, a heated argument between a student and a teacher at the Youth in Transition School in Windsor Mill was caught on camera. Jeff Slattery told WJZsomething like this also happened to him. He was hospitalized for a week—his jaw wired shut for six weeks—after a student brutally beat him until he blacked out.


  1. We need to bring back the days when the principal was allowed to administer corporal punishment for infractions...a good @$$-kicking is what a bunch of these kids really deserve...probably some of the parents too!

  2. Where your stinking union been?

  3. The union isn't going to do a thing. This underreporting is part of the liberal agenda, intended to make the masses think the schools are doing so much better and the unions are in cahoots with the democrat/liberal agenda as well. Any democratic supposed success story is all an illusion.
    Vote straight Republican. The worst Republican is far far better than ANY democrat.

  4. We need to get some brut to beat these idiots so bad that they become a cripple. So we do not have to incur cost to keep them just drop them off in Iran from 30,000 feet. These kinds of punks need to see what it is like to be on the receiving end.

  5. But the student had a rough time when growing up. Lets feel sorry for and just forget it.

  6. This is the problem! When you let any child walk on you as an adult - you are asking for more trouble! If the people who wired this adults jaw shut didn't get into any trouble at all that tell them its perfectly acceptable, and to go forward with worse actions to see what they can get away with!

  7. 2:38 what you say is true is some cases but the culture from like which Jacori comes from just doesn't give a crap. This culture is what has created and is causing the problems. In plain English they don't care about life in general so why should they make even a small effort to be a good parent. They are making babies with criminals, thugs and those who can't even support themselves. Who in their right mind has a child they can't afford? What woman in her right mind would even associated with much less sleep with these losers?

    Now if they can attach an agenda to it, like a racial motive then they are on it like flies on crap.


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