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Saturday, May 24, 2014


COLLEGE PARK — A large percentage of Maryland’s air pollution could be reduced after the Supreme Court ruled last month that the EPA has the authority to regulate emissions that cross state borders.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, part of the federal Clean Air Act, aims to hold power plants accountable for their emissions that are blown to downwind states. The rule requires that they lower emissions of sulfur dioxide, which can form fine particulate matter, and nitrogen oxide, which can form ozone and fine particulate matter.

The EPA created the rule in 2011, but it was blocked from enforcing it in 2012 by a federal appeals court decision. The Supreme Court decision tasked the federal appeals court with determining how the rule will be implemented, said Josh Berman, staff attorney for the Sierra Club.

Up to 70 percent of Maryland’s ozone pollution comes from out of state, according to Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.\


  1. So Maryland with the libtard governor has mismanaged your states finances to the point that they are going to extort other states

  2. It is very easy to improve the air quality on Delmarva, Get rid of the chickens! I have lived in a lot of states, (Military family), and never have I encountered such foul smelling air, as when I was on the shore!

  3. air quality will improve tremendously if ALL dems and liberals leave the state...I can only hope.

  4. The pollution is coming from Annp. State house !

  5. This is just plain stupid! O'Malley is an idiot. Next he will sue Delaware because they don't tax beer 9%, and it's hurting Maryland sales.

  6. so our "wonderful" leader does not know how to take care of his own state. yet he wants to run for the white house. yea that's what we need NOT map

  7. Gerald said...
    It is very easy to improve the air quality on Delmarva, Get rid of the chickens! I have lived in a lot of states, (Military family), and never have I encountered such foul smelling air, as when I was on the shore!

    May 24, 2014 at 5:34 PM

    Hope you don't live here any longer. By the way foul smelling air doesn't mean it's polluted.

  8. Stop all cigarette smoking. Problem solved!!


  9. Up to 100% of the BS crossing the Bay comes from OweMalley.

  10. I do air quality tests, and anytime you actually have smells in the air, there is some form of a pollutant in the air. In tests conducted on the eastern shore, the particulate that is causing this smell, is actually chicken feces. The waste generated from the farms that raise them, use huge exhaust fans to cool the houses, this send feces particles into the air to be breathed in by all. Then there is the use of the waste on crop fields, again, the feces particles are released into the air, to be inhaled by all.
    The air quality on the shore is as contaminated as a person living downwind of a coalmine, steel mill, or city dump. Filters need to be installed on discharge fans, and injection into the soil for waste use, not top spreading.


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