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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley Takes A Break From His Day Job To Perform As Street Musician

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), who is weighing a 2016 presidential bid, spent part of his Memorial Day doubling as a street musician in downtown Annapolis.

As captured by photos on Twitter, O’Malley played a six-string banjo at City Dock on Monday night, wearing a Baltimore Ravens t-shirt, cargo shorts and flip flops. He appeared to accept tips in his open banjo case.

Aides confirmed the authenticity of the photos — including one captured by Eye on Annapolis — but offered nothing on the record as to what possessed the governor to play.


  1. "takes a break from his day job" of Californiacating the state of Maryland.

    Urinate on him and in his banjo case!

  2. Lucky it wasn't in OC, on the boardwalk , they would of had him arrested for disturbing the peace, or trespassing, or violating a noise ordinance, or panhandling without a permit, or operating an instrument without a license, or loitering, or obstruction of traffic, or preforming without a permit, or anything the officers can come up with since OC hates people having fun!

  3. And that idiot wants to be president? God help us!


  4. Will be Caption Contest fodder going forward. Since Clinton blew a sax Donks wanna show their 'cool factor' to draw the Low Info crowd.

    If he thought it would garner an extra vote he'd be on that corner playing the swinette.

  5. Obama CrookedvBastardoMay 27, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    He should consider it a career job in near future. Even as lousy musician it would make better output than being a Governor. Maybe he can run for a President of Street Musicians, after unionizing them, of course.

  6. Maybe he needs a clown suit and learn to juggle.

  7. I hope he pays his taxes on what he made doing that.

  8. Looks like guy in back is holding his crotch while reaching for a gun..

    Great Body guards

  9. 7:26 didn't even notice that at first, wonder how much in overtime was spent on his guards.

  10. 7:03 .. he already nows how to juggle. He juggles the states books, he juggles the states laws... Actually I think it would be fitting if he ended up on the OC Boardwalk playing for money in retirement...

  11. The dumbocrats found out that all you have to do to be elected is to act cool... you don't have to know anything. and the taxpayer is paying for that

  12. He looks like a clown. All he is lacking is a suit. Our governor is an embarrassment just like Obama. (Notice I didn't say our president)


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