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Monday, May 05, 2014

Man Who Went To Prison 13 Years Late Ordered Released

CHARLESTON, Mo. - A Missouri man who was sent to prison 13 years after his robbery conviction due to a clerical error was set free by a judge Monday, reports CBS affiliate KFVS.

Cornealious "Mike" Anderson, of St. Louis County, was convicted of robbery in 2000 and sentenced to 13 years but was never told when and where to report to prison. He spent the next 13 years turning his life around - getting married, raising three kids, learning a trade. He made no effort to conceal his identity or whereabouts. Anderson paid taxes and traffic tickets, renewed his driver's license and registered his businesses.

Not until last July did the Missouri Department of Corrections discover the clerical error that kept him free and authorities went to his home and arrested him.


  1. Now that's great news.

  2. Anonymous said...
    Now that's great news.

    May 5, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    A thug is a thug. He didn't do his time yet. Darn liberal judge.

  3. 10:21 do you only read the headlines and then grace us with your spewing of negativity?

    He deserved to be excused.

  4. Bravo to the guy for turning his life around.

  5. One of the few times I agree that the judge made a good choice. Had he continued a life of crime, I could care less if he spent the next 20 years in jail. But this guy actually made a conscious effort to be a contributing and productive member of society.

  6. This all happened for a reason just like everything else does.God does not make mistakes.

  7. Why in the hell did LE feel compelled to send in a SWAT team to arrest this man? What a bunch of jerks. No reason why they couldn't have picked him up away from his home and away from his family.
    I agree with 8:40-this all happened for a reason and I'm glad the judge saw fit to not lock him up. I believe in second chances and this man has proved himself.


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