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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Make Your Flowers Grow Bigger and Healthier—with Aspirin!

One of the reasons I hate spending money on lawn care, plants and new flowers every season is that I am a terrible gardener! I have a very difficult time keeping plants alive, so I’m always looking for any tips or tricks to help me out. Thankfully, I found a helpful gardening tool I had never considered—aspirin! Aspirin has actually been shown to prevent fungus growth and help plants grow bigger and heartier! In fact, in 2005, a professor at the University of Rhode Island tested aspirin and its effects on gardening and found it to be extremely successful at warding off diseases as well as improving seed germination. By the end of the season, the professor found her plants to be much larger, greener and all-around healthier than they had previously been. If your flowers are looking less than lovely, try mixing 2 aspirin with 2 gallons of water and spraying this mixture on your flowers and plants every 3 weeks.



  1. No real professor is going to declare success because this year's plants were better than "they had previously been." There would be no control group to reach a valid conclusion.

  2. I'll give this a try.

  3. I'm using Oxycodone, as it is a more powerful pain killer. And, since there's so much heroin in town, that may be cheaper per square foot. What do you think?


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