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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Libya Crisis: State Dept. Urges All Americans To Leave, US Sends Ship With 1,000 Marines For Evacuation

As tensions between Libya’s Islamist-dominated General National Congress and Gen. Khalifa Hifter grow, the United States is mobilizing defense forces and urging all Americans in the country to get out at once.

The State Department issued a travel warning Tuesday urging all U.S. citizens to leave immediately, and is preparing for a possible evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

"The security situation in Libya remains unpredictable and unstable,” the State Department said in its advisory. “The Libyan government has not been able to adequately build its military and police forces and improve security following the 2011 revolution. Many military-grade weapons remain in the hands of private individuals, including anti-aircraft weapons that may be used against civilian aviation. Crime levels remain high in many parts of the country."



  1. wow that arab spring really is working out
    what a mess

  2. King Barry and Scary Kerry should take a field trip and see if they can't just talk to them. Certainly they will listen to the new world leader.... Are there any golf courses in Libya? Maybe he can Queen Michele and they can consider it another vacation..

  3. Those who have sense certainly saw this coming.
    Arab spring, what a joke.

  4. "The State Department issued a travel warning" ... Guess I better cancel my trip.

    If things get hairy over there, Barry and Kerry will not hesitate to issue the "Stand Down" order.

  5. Obama has the Muslims on the run! Sad truth is that they are running, running over everything. First our embassy, now the whole county, next the whole world!

  6. Keep in mind who supplied the military grade weapons. We did!

    What a bright idea. Must have come to the fearless leader on the golf course.

  7. Yep another obama fiasco. Libya is now a hotbed of islamic extremism. If the liar ghetto trash in chief dropped dead this minute I would throw a party. He's useless and not worthy to lick dog shit off the shoes of the decent non obama supporting people of this country.

  8. Typical Obama. Everything he has ever touched has turned to crap.

  9. "...what difference does it make now?"


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