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Monday, May 19, 2014

Krauthammer: Democrats 'Grossly Overestimate How Popular Hillary Is'

On Thursday’s “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer offered an optimistic forecast for the GOP in the 2016 presidential elections. Krauthammer based on fatigue from President Barack Obama and overestimating the popularity of potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“I think the historic forces are on the side of the opposition,” Krauthammer said. “You go back and you know, this Bill, you go back to 1953, with the single exception, every single time one party has held a White House for two terms, they get thrown out on their ear. The only exception, of course, is Reagan being given what's essentially a third term with Bush because he was so successful. The country is already tired of Obama. The country is already in semi-depressed mood. They’re high numbers wrong track. They are not going to be in a mood to reelect a Democrat. And I think the Democrats grossly overestimate how popular Hillary is. She may be popular with some of them. She may be popular with a lot of them. But they assume it's going to apply to the country. I think not.”



  1. I pray he is correct!

  2. He is missing the fact that there are 10 times the people on the government dole (and they blindly follow dems) and the fact that the media has the power it has today and the ability to reach so many people so often. The current batch of Dems have no problem flat out lying over and over and these lemmings believe it... If Boehner does anything with immigration (other than shut down the boarders), Hillary - or whom ever stands a good chance. remember, prior to the 2016 election, there will be 2 years of congress attempting to stop King Barry and the media crying about how unfair Republicans are being...

  3. This has been a strange day already,and now this.Charles is finally wrong about something.I wish he was right,but nobody is perfect.

  4. Looks like the best the Dumocrats can come up with are crooks.

    Here's another example...: MD house of Delegates 24th District; convicted of theft of General Assembly funds and misconduct in office - subsequently suspended from her office, is running for the same seat....and will probably get reelected.....

  5. LOL. Keep telling yourself that, Republicans. Have you already forgotten how hiding in an echo chamber to make yourselves feel better worked out in 2012?


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