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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Karl Rove claiming Hillary would be unstable leader after blood clot

Republican strategist Karl Rove has suggested that Hillary Clinton may be suffering from brain damage as a result of the fall she suffered in December 2012.

Rove raised the issue of the probable 2016 Democratic contender’s health at a conference last Thursday where he was appearing with former Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs and CBS correspondent Dan Raviv.

In 2012, Clinton suffered from a blood clot that temporarily prevented her from testifying about the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.



  1. Your lies are catching up to you, Hillary!

  2. I'm no fan of Hillary but this is a little over the top.

  3. I would suggest that she's not very stable without a purported clot!

  4. Rove is right, though I would argue she's not been stable for years. Her tendency to forget predates her bang on the head. The democrats will vote for her. They have low standards.

  5. The alleged fall that prevented her from testifying before congress until she could try and get her story straight.

  6. We have already seen what she does when the phone rings at 3 in the morning... rolls over and goes back to sleep.

  7. She is unstable without a blood clot. She fell while chasing Monica out of Bills bed.

  8. She was fired from her first law job for lack of ethics.

  9. 9:55 Bill can get it.

  10. The way Bill Clinton behaved in the Whitehouse when he was president, has to make one wonder how he would behave in the Whitehouse as first lady!

  11. What difference does it make -- she's completely bonkers (it's congenital, stupid).

  12. 9:34 --

    Make that "first stud"


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