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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Joe the Plumber: “Your Dead Kids Don’t Trump My Constitutional Rights”

In the wake of the most recent mass killing tragedy in California, politicians and anti-gun advocates have come out of the woodwork in an effort to use these events as an opportunity to further their agenda.

As evidence of this look no further than the recent statements by Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal on Face the Nation.

“At least we can make a start and I am going to urge that we bring back those bills, maybe reconfigure them, centre on mental health, which is a point where we can agree that we need more resources to make the country healthier and to make sure that these kinds of horrific, insane, mad occurrences are stopped.”



  1. Joe is right.
    It is a mental health issue in this country not a gun issue.
    Funny how we ignore that he stabbed his roommates before the gun spree.
    Oh but that doesn't count.
    It's all about disarming the millions of responsible mentally healthy gun owners.
    Propaganda at its best.

  2. I'm with Joe the Plummer on this one. Whacky politicians like Richard Blumenthal need to be eradicated from this earth. Do you see a pattern here? Do you see a common denominator? They are all Democrat and most of them are gay.

    Yes I said gay. Do you notice he has the same lips that Our own Congressman Bob Bauman has. The same lips that Barney Franks has and the same lips that Jim Ireton has. Richard Blumenthal may be married, but so was Bob Bauman.

  3. So you can read sexual orientation with a look at a man's lips? That is about the dumbest thing I ever heard

  4. They aren't mentioning the new law that all knives over 3/4" shall be registered, owners fingerprinted and all new knives shall be made out of soft rubber!


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