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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Jocori Scarborough Bailed Out Again


  1. Where in the world did he come up with the 10K for the first case and 5K for the second case. The bailbondsman is making a killing.

  2. This is not good news for Salisbury/Delmar area.

  3. Drug money or Rev. Jesse Jackson

  4. No surprise! The charge of rape is a violent crime and then having a gun. What happened to being held without bond?

  5. his gansta buddies r bailing him out. no doubt he is a hero among that scum. would not b surprised if he skips bail.

  6. Where did he get his money? If you hadn't had the disgusting pleasure of seeing his facebook page...he has wads of cash, guns, booze, and pot. Dealer money?

  7. This kid has no responsible adults in his life. How much do you want to bet his "mother" is nothing more than a baby machine. No doubt he has multiple 1/2 siblings and the baby daddies are criminals as well.
    This kid is the way he is because no one loves him. If they did, they would leave him in jail for the time being to see if he benefits from the structure of an institutional setting.
    He's just becoming another statistic who was unfortunate to be born to such a trashy "family."

  8. This is ridiculous this boy should be in jail. He is out of control. This young lady has to be terrified. If this was my daughter I would get her away from Salisbury until at least after the trial. Prayers to her and her family. His bail should be higher and he shouldn't be out. Whats next him killing someone.....

  9. The poor young white girl he raped is not going back to school, missing out on school end of the year activities, exams, and will be traumatized for the rest of her life. This creep is laughing and making a mockery of the judicial system. Bail should be set at 10 million, then lets see that bastard get out!

  10. Who are the judges that are setting this bail low enough for him to make it? Are they up for any elections? Because I could not vote for someone who knowingly allows a POS to return to the streets. Way to go Wicomico County. Really wish we could separate ourselves from Salisbury.

  11. You don't even have to come up with 10% anymore for the bail bond. All you need is 1% and make payments. He'll skip town if he hasn't already. My heart and prayers go out to the young lady and her family. I agree with the other comment, I'd get her out of the county as quick as I could, for her own safety. A restraining order has never stopped a criminal.

  12. Who is his attorney? Who are the attorney's former and current criminal court clients? That may tell a little more of the story.

  13. Too bad Jimmy Sarbanes couldn't handle the case, as he needs some (a lot of) criminal cases to round out his resume.

  14. No one around here has a clue as to how much gang money there is, or from how far it comes.

  15. why didn't the gun charge cause the original bond to be revoked? how bout hauling in the parent(s) to answer for the gun as well...seems like the good state of md might to send out a social worker to investigate this minor's supervision. bond does seem low. esp if orig charge is credible. sure hope this guy doesn't roll out of town or hurt someone while awaiting trial...

  16. It could be that they don't have a good case on the first charges and saw the opportunity to go after him on the gun charges to ensure he gets some time in the big house.

  17. You blame the mother? Really? His mother has been very ill for the past few years. She has been in and out of hospitals fighting for her life. She is a kind and loving person. It is so unfair to put her down like this. Shame on all of you!

    1. I am sorry for her health issues, however, if he had been raised correctly he wouldn't be putting his mom through this with his intolerable actions. I don't give a flying fig about race or socio economic status, kids out of control are everywhere. And it all comes down to parents, boundaries and consequences.

  18. DDE has a new enemy TPB (Taking the Power Back). Let's all join and rejoice with putting these punks in their place.

  19. how do u know it was a white girl? the news has never released the ID of the girl (stop being a clown)

  20. Not uncommon in law enforcement. As they were investigating one crime (rape) they found fruits of another crime (illegal gun possession). It has nothing to do with how strong of a case the rape is. The gun was found after the execution of the search warrant. It's chronology. As for his lawyer, I thought on the first charges I saw it was the Office of the Public Defender. So our tax money hard at work there. No big Baltimoron lawyer. At least not yet.

  21. Let's have a really, really speedy trial here. Anywhere. Anytime.

  22. This is a joke

  23. Wake Up people ??? Like you all did not know that the Criminal System in Md. nothing but a endless bank roll of money?? Face it ?? If you got money and friends any crime is okay and it will all be covered up. I can't get over how stupid some of the people who comes here are this dumb and not see the criminal system is all about. Time after Time we read cases of ALL type of Violent Offenders walking away and laughing. So wake up and be Happy at least we all know where CONVICTED Sex offenders sleeps at night. But hey is it not the ones working in our schools that has not been caught the ones we need to worry about. ? Makes you wonder how smart some of you really are. Blinded by the fools in Annapolis year after year and still vote for them to get back in Office to screw you all over time after time.

  24. "Anonymous said...
    Who is his attorney? Who are the attorney's former and current criminal court clients? That may tell a little more of the story.

    May 8, 2014 at 10:34 PM"

    Public Defenders Office.

  25. The damage the lack of parenting has done was complete long befor the last couple of years, just because she is sick now does not excuse her for what she did not do prior to her illness. Where are the social worker scum that enable this stuff? They can act like Nazis any other time.

    1. Did you ever stop to think that the decline of his mother could have played a role in his decline? No ones actions can be blamed on another.

  26. I agree 7:59 and 7:15. If he had come from a family who stressed values and morals and a consistence positive message and positive role models, he himself would be offended by DDE's stupid videos, much less participating in them.

  27. " No big Baltimoron lawyer. At least not yet."

    No lawyer in the world is going to be able to help him, though most would be more than happy to relieve him of some money.
    He may as well change him name to some pretty sounding girl's name, and start practicing putting lipstick on. The only "dating" he's going to be doing for years to come is going to be within the walls of state prison system.

  28. Has anyone even considered the fact that this Thug or one of his friends is somehow related to the BailBondsman and the fact may be that absolutely NO MONEY has changed hands at all?

  29. 8:21

    You must be kidding. Correct? If not, you have no knowledge of the law or the legal system.

  30. This guy should be in prison for the rest of his life. But the judges in Salisbury will give him a fine, 30 days and he will be out on the street again. Test the money see if there is any drugs attached. This guy is bad, and will one day kill someone. It is all a game to him. Gangs do not fear the law, for it does not punish the bad guy.

  31. 10:49 is so correct! The judges in this county are soft, and corrupt! They give what sounds like big sentences, then suspend most of it!
    When it comes to the mandatory "10 years" for gun crime, they don't institute that either! Then there is the "Drug forfeiture Law", they never confiscate any property, because it will piss off the landlords here in town! Wicomico county needs a house cleaning, or better yet, the whole county needs to be overseen by the FBI and investigated as to why this guy is getting low bond, and the drug traffic in town is out of control!

  32. I pray that this will be the end of this hostile group in this area. I pray that this young man will get what he needs to become a decent person. I pray for the young woman that he raped. All we can do is pray. This is far to violent for anything else to work. I feel sorry for his mother. She is only one person and she has probably been thought h#ll with this young man.

  33. So is the victim while or blacK? If this was a white boy that raped a black girl all H&ll would be breaking out. Who knows???

    1. Really?? Lol your kidding right?

  34. If true this is a horrible crime. However we do still live in America (such as it is now) and we are all still " inocent until proven guilty in a court of law". If we lose all sense of what the constitution says we will slide even further into the abyss of chaos.

  35. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You must be kidding. Correct? If not, you have no knowledge of the law or the legal system.

    May 9, 2014 at 10:46 AM"

    50 plus years of "knowledge" 10:46.

  36. 1:15

    Did you forget to take your Alzheimer's medication? Why do we even have attorneys if they cannot do anything for an accused person? I'm sure George Zimmerman would be in prison without an attorney and he killed a person.

  37. I wanna know when all the good people of Delmarva and going to stand up and stop taking this crap
    You fight fire with fire. Not jail. Maybe some of his peeps needs late night visits from some good ole boys.

    1. Lol!! Try it. Good ole boys will get this town burned to the ground.

  38. Yeah, lets get a lynch mob together. I'll bring the white sheets and hoods. You people are really too much! Why don't you move to Montana, it has the lowest population of african americans in the US. He was arrested (twice) and will have his day in court. Hopefully the the DA prosecutes the case and seeks the maximum penalty if found guilty.

  39. Whatever Court Commissioner or judge that allowed another bail for this human garbage should be fired. Guarantee he's already in possession of another firearm. After all, this human garbage is a validated gang member and validated gang members always have ready access to firearms. What's happened to common sense or has political correctness pushed that aside? Perhaps the commissioners and judges will finally find a little courage to deny bond to human garbage like this when one of their daughters become a victim. Remember, these commissioners and judges work for us, not the ghetto gang culture that has surrounded Salisbury. Have we finally had enough yet??

  40. Obviously there are people in his life that have his back. Be it his family or friends. If the court really wanted him detained he would have been held without bond. MD is notorious for serve one day and get seven days knocked off of your sentence. While parents can't be everywhere at every moment, I doubt you could disagree that this kid had little supervision. If any of you have seen You tube videos you can recognize the one made by DDE was no run of the mill home made "rap" video. These kids are selling a nice amount of drugs to afford their habits. Unless you personally know who the victim was don't speculate. That information doesn't need to come out for her safety. Black or white, she is a victim. Be mad at MD laws for him being out again, or be mad at the judge for low bail amounts. A big reason shit doesn't get done around here is the constant focus on race. Every crime has a victim and most don't deserve to be victims. What is the core issue we need to address? The race baiting and blame game don't do a damn thing. At the end of the day all of us (black, white, whatever) want to be safe and secure in our homes, schools and community. Most of us have a lot more in common than differences. At some point we have to move past the typical "only black people commit crimes".

  41. I don't know if I've ever been so angry over anything in my life. To me it was so predictable that those involved in that offensive video would sooner rather than later progress to more serious crime. When they flaunted the law with the firearms in the video and got away with it, they became more emboldened.

  42. "Anonymous said...
    The poor young white girl he raped is not going back to school, missing out on school end of the year activities, exams, and will be traumatized for the rest of her life. This creep is laughing and making a mockery of the judicial system. Bail should be set at 10 million, then lets see that bastard get out!

    May 8, 2014 at 9:18 PM"

    Your comment hit me like a ton of bricks, 9:18. It makes me ill to think that this happened to a 15 year old child IN SCHOOL no less. I wish there were something we could do for this family. I hope they know how sorry the community is and how much we care and how so angry we are that the school system failed her by allowing such a troubled student in the doors of a school.

  43. Good. Then all the transplants will go back where they came from. And just so people understand. Its not him being black that is the problem. Its his and everyone like him whether they are black white Hispanic lifestyle. So stop crying about it being a race problem because that itself is pretty racist if you ask me. I'm so tired of everytime a black person commits a crime the black community cries racism. BS. Its behavior. Not the race. Maybe if you all held each other accountable for your actions instead of blaming it all on whitey your people would prosper better. A great man said judge not by the color of ones skin but by the content of their character.

  44. 8:14.. I'd love to see you with a torch in your hand.. committing arson.. then you could spend the next 30 years working in one of Eric Holder's prison factories producing Solar panels ..

    did you know Eric is the Country's largest employer of Blacks?.. he pays a fair wage too ..$1.15 an hour... tell me again about racism

  45. hey 8:14

    you know that in that 30 years you will make a whopping $71,760?... sounds real good doesn't it?.. no Red Bull or Malt Liquor to spend it on either


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