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Sunday, May 04, 2014


The GRANDMOTHER of a local Parkside Baseball Player proudly walked to the stands at a game this week to watch her Grandson play a game. She sat down and within seconds a man walked up to her and said, you'll need to pay the $4.00 admission to watch the game. She looked at this man and said, are you kidding me? No, there's a $4.00 admission please. She immediately said, I'm not paying $4.00 to watch the game. He responded, if you don't pay the $4.00 I'm going to have you removed. She replied, I'M NOT PAYING. 

Mind you, Ladies & Gentlemen, she had just been to another one of her Grandson's games a few days before and there was no admission. She went on to say, IF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CAN BLOW ALL THAT MONEY ON GIFT CARDS, RESTAURANTS AND BARS, ALL THE MONEY I PAY IN TAXES AND I DO NOT HAVE A CHILD LIVING IN MY HOME GOING TO SCHOOL, I'M NOT PAYING A $4.00 ADMISSION!

Now, if it was YOU and ME we'd say to ourselves, OK, she's a Grandmother, she doesn't want to pay, LET IT GO, RIGHT?

Nope, this guy called the Sheriff's Department and a Deputy confronted this woman, (who I happen to know personally) and told her he was going to physically remove her if she didn't pay the admission. She responded, physically remove me then, I'm not paying the admission. No one else charges to watch a High School baseball game.

A Gentleman a few rows behind kindly offered to pay the admission for her and the Deputy didn't have to force ably remove her.



Liberal school systems forcing taxpayers to not only pay for educations in which this person doesn't even have a child attending any school in the County, paying ALL of the taxes residents do and now you'll have GRANDMOTHERS arrested because ONLY Parkside charges fees to attend a baseball game.



  1. Revolution is coming.

  2. If I have to pay to see my boys play then there should be no exception for anyone. Should she get her way because she is older...no. I think the policy sucks where we have to pay. But the policy is there until it changes. Very nice that someone paid for her.

  3. Greedy bastards....

  4. 2:26, Since when did it become a policy?

    She had been to numerous games elsewhere throughout the County at other Schools and there was no admission fee.

    It already cost some $300.00 for equipment just to be on the team and that goes for ALL other Schools.

    Just because an elder put their foot down and said enough is enough, perhaps you MISSED her point about the BOE spending all that other tax payer money on gift cards, bars and restaurants.

  5. Parkside is not the only school. We paid to watch soccer at Wihi.

    She should have paid like everyone else had too. If she was unhappy take it up with the school board or the people who made the rule. Not the person just trying to enforce the rule.

  6. Well I think 100 local people should show up at the next game and refuse to pay.

  7. Folks you change these things in the voting booth. These issues are because the school board is appointed by liberal democrats.

  8. Simple. Don't go! When people stop going and paying they will not charge. Refuse to play on their field.

  9. What, revenue is down for the speed camera by Parkside?

  10. I can guarantee that NO money was spent in a bar.

  11. 2:40, REALLY, Do tell us what is Backstreet and HOOTERS?

  12. I've been paying since I was in school in the early 80s at Delmar. Students get a reduced rate but everyone pays to watch the Football Games. IF it's policy it's policy. Why should this women be treated differently.

  13. Joe,

    Clearly that one women did miss the point as most SBY residents do... Infact most of america does...

    But you all fail to realize that they waste that money so they can get even more the next year and not just that, they are being told to from the higher ups... even if that means going higher to the president of the USA...

    Just like the bay bridge crap... everyone feels they did something by fighting the system and getting the toll rises from 10 in the end to 8... well as we know we are all screwed because it went from 2.50 to 8 (it will be 8 soon)... NOT TO MENTION there was a contract that stated once the bridge was paid for that they need not to keep charging the 2.50 for the passage of the bridge, yet they still did... NOT TO MENTION that the 2.50 was fine enough to pay repairs and salaries for 50+ years and only when Obama bin laden got into office taxes and fees and tolls and crap started to rise along with political salaries mind you...

    YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID Joe so why bother trying to educate these dumb stupid lazy no good excuse for a citizen......

    Real funny how the govt knows we will fight them on everything so they go way outside the box and ask for a 10 toll on the bay bridge, knowing it will get fought and go down but still went up from 2.5 so they won and we lost yet the ones who fought to get it to 8 instead of 10 thought they did something...

  14. This is a school decision, not a Board of Education decision. Brian Hollamon (coach of PHS Baseball) makes these calls.

    Don't knock them unless they deserve it.


    Because it is a county field not just the one whihi uses... ALL SCHOOLS USE IT SO EVERYONE HAS TO PAY...

  16. 2:48, OH B.S...

    Every single employee works for Fredericksen, PERIOD. The buck begins and stops at the TOP.

  17. By the way, THIS WAS A JV TEAM.

  18. I hate the fee as well.. but it is policy... Why should we all pay for it and then some people who scream the loudest not pay..

    I think the fee also precludes most kids from attending games. I understand paying for Varsity Football and Basketball.. but all the other sports--it's ridiculous

    All schools charge admission for the most part... All counties surrounding us do as well... so it's well known

    I am not for it--so don't flame me

  19. I've been to several Varsity baseball games at Parkside and Bennett and always had to pay the $4 fee. Same goes for Mardela and Parkside Varsity soccer games. Students get a reduced rate of $2 and (depending who's on the gate), they let younger children in free. I think it sucks that it has come to this!! I didn't know that they charged admission to a JV game though!!

  20. I thought taxes covered this?

  21. Where does the money go and who is responsible for it?

  22. It's not just Parkside. They charge $4.00 to get into Bennett games as well (JV mind you), and yes I am a grandmother, but I pay when I go to the games, but it is ridiculous. The other day I got to a game in the 4th inning at Bennett JV, and they still had the table set up to collect the $4.00. I watched from behind the fence that day! I won't pay $4.00 to see 3 innings.

  23. I've always had to pay to watch my son play baseball. And I've had to miss some games because I couldn't afford it. I normally don't mind but when I found out how frivolously the board of ed was spending MY money...I have to admit it does irritate me. And it's always difficult for us to pay the board of end fee for sports, band, etc. but we do it without complaining because we want to do for our kids. Plus it makes them better rounded individuals. But in my head I'm thinking, "Wait...so I had to put off getting a new pair of work boots because I had to give the board of ed money...and they used that money for what????

  24. My kind of lady! We need more of her kind. The school system is spending like a bunch of drunken sailors and then have the nerve to charge spectators to see a high school sports event? Let them not ever forget that they work for us and we are watching them like a hawk.

  25. Charging admission for sports games is not a new practice. Been doing it in Wicomico County for at least 20 years. Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it's news. Pay, or leave.

  26. If I gotta pay a cover they darn sure better serve beer.

  27. I feel the same way when each year when I have to pay a fee to dump my trash at a landfill, when it is run by county employees paid through my property taxes, and county taxes. When I was growing up here, we never paid for this.

  28. I have to chime in here , a little off the subject , but , I believe a coach(not sure) from Parkside pulled into the Food Lion off Snow Hill road. He was driving a new corvette copper color. He parked in two parking places , one being a handi-cap spot.
    He was in his 30's and had a parkside jacket on. I did yell to him but he acted as though he didn't hear me. What a jerk!
    I'm 71 and don't remember ever charging for a game. Damn shame!

  29. The Country is being run like a JAIL, and some folks are too stupid to know itApril 29, 2014 at 4:24 PM

    Next game....you have to bring your OBAMA bag with free stuff in it for others to have

  30. This is what happens when you have poor leaders in office. The policy ought not to have ever been implemented.

    When I attended Junior and Senior High School - the schools never charged admission to baseball games period. And we had a Driver's Education program to boot.

    Personally, Frederickson's administration has shown me Nada - except to try and get a free ride from the Taxpayers coffers - to the detriment of the school kids. It's all about Leadership - and I find him lacking in this department.

  31. Now, hold on just a minute...

    The so-called "conservatives" on this blog (and others) keep saying taxes are too high. Taxed Enough Already. No more taxes - instead everyone should pay for what they need. Like a park, pay to go to the park, don't use my tax money to pay for it. etc, etc.

    Now, the school does as you ask...makes the people who "use" the service pay for it, and you scream that they shouldn't have to pay.

    You can't have it both ways!

  32. If you don't like it don't go. Just because you don't agree with how the Board of Education spends their money does not mean that you can break the rules. That is typical Liberal behavior. It is "what about them?' They are getting something that I am not. I don't care who does what, if the rule is pay I pay or go home. I am surprised you are behind this one Joe, have you turned a little Liberal on us? What about them? They don't play fair so I don't have to either. Makes me sick. That is everyone's choice. It is also everyone's choice to piss and moan about it.

  33. 4:35, using a service like a park and supporting the athletes by attending their games of our local schools that tax payers pay dearly for are 2 entirely different concepts.

  34. Delmar charges 5 bucks each to see my grand daughter play softball.

  35. Het 4:35 , you have missed the point , we have already paid for the service with our taxes , just ask the Dr. Fred. what they have paid for at all the local pubs with my money. Who the hell are you another dumb a$$ teacher?

  36. Why doesn't the BOE sell gift cards to parents? That way they can be used on anything you don't want tracked be it a ball game or escorts for pleasure.

    It's good enough for County managers.

  37. These people need to fear the public being nice gets no attention.

  38. The families of the players already have to pay plenty for their kid to be involved in school sports, so why should they have to pay more to watch? What exactly is the admission fee used for?

  39. Dr. Freddy and Slick Rick Pollitt have got to go ASAP.

  40. It is ridiculous to pay to watch HS sports. Next thing you know they will be charging to park there too. You can get a shorebirds ticket for $7 - $6 if you are a senior or military.

  41. I thought that these charges/admission fees go towards covering the cost of the officials/referees/umpires at the game. I can't recall where I read this, but I do recall reading it online somewhere as news, years ago. If I can find a link to it, I'll send it in.

  42. Parkside has charged for games for the last six years. Its for all sports, not just baseball. The funds are being used for the athletic facilities. They offer season passes that are a low rate. Stop complaining just because youre old.

  43. This county is going to the devil. What is wrong with these people.

  44. To 4:35 - You just put your foot in your own mouth when you said;

    ' . . . .Like a park, pay to go to the park, don't use my tax money to pay for it. etc, etc.'

    Responding to 4:35 Posting; In case you haven't noticed, Wicomico taxpayers are currently paying to headquarter a National Softball tournament whereby the majority of participants don't even contribute one red nickel to use Wicomico's recreational facilities.

  45. 6:46 but they do spend a lot of money in the community - hotels, restaurants, shopping - all of which are taxed and the businesses pay pay rent and RE tax and pay employees that pay tax.

  46. Complain to Bryan Ashby, Supervisor of Athletics. He enforces and encourages this practice. Oh, and by the way, his office is at Parkside if you want to call him


  47. Sports, and all other extracurricular activities, cost money. Always have; always will. Question is how much and who foots the bill, and what portion.

    Parents have always paid, in various ways and varying amounts, to have a child involved in these activities. Kids are not forced by the schools to join; they choose to do so. Families are supportive.

    Cost of attending all the games can mount up to be sure.

    To the best of my knowledge all the HS sports charge the same amount for admission across the county.

    Sorry the lady got upset. For the record the superintendent and a number of other administrators, teachers, parents, others have put personal, uncompensated time into raising funds to help less well off students participate. I helped in a small way in one such event.

    Issue of meal expenses is not germane to this discussion. My educated guess is that most BOE expenses will be well documented. Won't make a defense of Pollitt crew spending.

  48. I agree with 7:50 that the expenses of the BOE will be well-documented. That is not at all the same thing as saying the expenses are warranted. Documented waste is better than undocumented waste, I guess, but it's no substitute for having folks buy their own food.

  49. I am pretty certain that no BOE employee has to pay at any event even if they are there to watch their own child and don't work at that school. They just show they BOE badge. This isn't fair!!

  50. I graduated at PHS in 87 and even back then you had to pay.

  51. I've always said once the Board of Ed started charging students to play sports they should provide the student at least 2 comp tickets per game. As a parent, trying to support your child is very expensive in Wicomico County. Think about $4 x 15 games x 3 people = ridiculous!!!

  52. Well, if everyone stayed home, there'd be no need for games & kids could get an education.

  53. with what we pay in tax dollars, money which goes to schools...this is abominable. Enough is enough!

  54. Now I like most of you don't know where is this sports money goes. Now if it helps keep my taxes lower then I'm all for it .

  55. Responding to 6:49, are you an idiot or do you just spout off at the mouth without knowing the subject matter? The USSSA softball event you are speaking about pays plenty for the use of the County facilities. It might also interest you to know that those events infuse millions in tax revenue to this County. So why not just STFU if you don't have a clue.

  56. To anonymous at 4:13pm. Uninformed criticism,speaking on subjects prejudicially, all of which just make you appear to be a disagreeable old man.
    I know the gentleman about whom you are making your disparaging comment... simply because he drove a corvette. He is not an employee of the school, he is not financially reimbursed with any of the teams, and he is not a parent of a student at Parkside. Guess what? He is a volunteer!! He has supported a specific Parkside team over the years with his time and his expertise, and has even bought a pair of competitive shoes out of his own pocket for a student who couldn't afford it for the State tournament. Never once asking for anything in return. The jacket, well that was privately purchased by the parents of the team he helps, as our way of saying thank you...he wears the gift proudly. I have to ask, where do you volunteer your time? How do you support your community? Comments like yours, spoken from ignorance only exacerbate problems. For all you naysayers... would you rather have the individual schools collect the money at the door and keep it in-house where it will go directly to fullfilling their needs? Or do you prefer to send it to the BOE via your taxes and have it diluted with their guidelines? Quit your complaining and I suggest you spend more time at the schools, it just might do you some good. I am really disgusted with attitudes like this, until all the facts are known, people should temper their remarks and refrain from petty criticism. The entrances at Parkside's sporting events are clearly marked with the admission information. I can assure you each of those dollars are very much needed, very much appreciated and very judiciously spent. If you want your admission fee waived, donate your time. Please don't ask what can a grandmother do to help? Or what could a 71 year old bitter man do?Plenty !!! Wonder what you yelled at him that made him such a jerk to ignore you? How about sharing that with us? Silence.. maybe that can be a practice you can perfect. Why not atone for your attitude and get involved?

  57. If you live in Wicomico County you've already paid through the nose. $4, really? How do they account for this in their bookkeeping?

  58. I would reserve my judgement until I have some idea of how the admission charges are put to use. If they cover expenses that would otherwise come from tax revenues, then, by all means charge people to attend. Let those using a service actually pay for it, and leave the rest of us alone.


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