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Monday, May 05, 2014

I Am Martin O’Malley, Governor of Maryland - Ask Me Anything

Hello Reddit, I’m Martin O’Malley, former mayor of Baltimore and current Governor of the great state of Maryland, where we’ve passed marriage equality, passed the Maryland DREAM Act, enacted tougher gun laws, held down the cost of college tuition, and driven down violent crime.

Right after this AMA, I’ll be signing new laws to raise the minimum wage and expand opportunity for our middle class families.
Click HERE To see the entire AMA thread


  1. That was hilarious this morning, I don't think he or his staff expected that kind of reception.

    Read the AMA to find out what kind of reception he received.

  2. When are you leaving?
    Why are you a communist?
    Why are you so stupid?
    what drugs are you on thinking your electable as a president?
    Why are you spending money you dont have?
    Again when are you leaving MD?

  3. knowing how AIDS affects the body and brain...it is no doubt b/c of your Transgender lifestyle you have AIDS...your brain is done!

  4. Trust me, it was terrible and exactly what us Redditors expected.

  5. 5:26

    What on Earth are you talking about? O'Malley bombed on his own, not because of some absurd conspiracy you just attempted to articulate. This comment could not be more irrelevant and.... bizarre.

  6. An absolute complete idiot and a disgrace to my Irish heritage!

  7. O'Dumbass has administered a tremendous about of damage to Maryland it will take a long time to recover from his actions if at all


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