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Monday, May 19, 2014


ANNAPOLIS, MD -- Governor O’Malley tannounced that he vetoed HB 1168 –Electricity – Certificate – Wind Turbines – Limitation, in accordance with Article II, Sec. 17 of the Maryland constitution.

The Governor emphasized his commitment to Patuxent River Naval Air Station (Pax River) because of its critical importance to Maryland. “There are already safeguards in place to ensure that no renewable energy projects conflict with military facilities -- those safeguards render this bill unnecessary,” Governor O’Malleysaid.

In addition, the Governor noted that the Great Bay Wind Project helps alleviates the threat to Pax River caused by rising sea levels. The recent release of the Third National Climate Assessment highlights the costs that climate change is already imposing on Maryland and underscores the importance of human action and innovation to address the issue. Sitting on the Eastern Seaboard, Maryland is particularly vulnerable, as is Pax River, to the effects of climate change.

“Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by increasing our use of renewable energy will help tackle environmental challenges like carbon pollution and sea level rise,” Governor O’Malley said.

The Governor also pointed out that the Great Bay Wind Project advances three of the O’Malley-Brown Administration’s 16 strategic goals: (1) creating jobs; (2) increasing Maryland’s in-State renewable generation to 20% by 2022; and (3) reducing Maryland’s greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020.

Full text of the letter is attached.

HB 1168 Wind turbines.pdf


  1. The lies continue to come...


  2. "if you like your windmills you can keep your windmills."

    O'mally and Obama would never lie.

  3. Wouldn't be surprised to read about an incident in the future with one of the turbines in the approach path...happened with an antenna in Dallas close to the former Naval Air Station.....

    Hope Marty doesn't end up killing someone over this!

  4. Your ELECTRIC bill will go UP with his progressive agenda
    O'Malley only care about positioning himself as the next instrument of progressive destruction of what is left of the United States.

  5. Funny thing when technology is increasing so rapidly that no one can get a fix on it.EVERYTHING that was state of the art 6 months ago is now officially obsolete (where electricity generation is concerned)No wonder no one knows what to do.I wish they would just admit the truth that one can't jump a train moving at 60 mph.

  6. Technology can't change the laws of physics. When there is no wind, you can't generate electricity with wind turbines, and there is very intermittent wind in Somerset County.

    Actually, the technology ind wind generation has changed little.

  7. About time he did something good for Somerset County.Better roads,schools,construction jobs, operational jobs. Thank you for a better safer Somerset County!


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