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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gary Johnson blasts Forest Service review of Taos Ski Valley crackdown

SANTA FE – Former Gov. Gary Johnson says he’s “still mad as hell” upon reading an internal review of a crackdown conducted back in February by armed officers of the U.S. Forest Service at the Taos Ski Valley.

“Nothing has been resolved by this,” said Johnson, an avid skier and harsh critic of the operation that featured four Forest Service agents in bullet-proof vests and a drug-sniffing dog.

“The upshot from this review is, (the Forest Service) is going to do this again. And if these things are going happen again, somebody’s going to get hurt. It’s either going to be the person they confront or vice-versa … I really thought they were going to come up with a policy change,” Johnson said in a telephone interview.

The review found the operation was justified, although the agency promises to coordinate with the ski resort and local police “in the future to more effectively and efficiently work through employee and public concerns.”

In addition, a Forest Service supervisor will have to OK future “saturation patrols.”



  1. "Saturation patrols" at a SKI RESORT?!
    Are they overstaffed at the Nazi "checkpoints" and the speed traps?
    And they plan on doing more? Wow.
    When the cops start dreamimg up armed attacks on ski resorts, I think they have too many cops there with nothing to do.
    Aren't here any old ladies in town they can beat up? Hot chicks they can rape? How much drugs did they reportedly find? I'll bet it wasn't all they ACTUALLY found. You know what I'm sayin'...

  2. The park service should be counting birds in a tree, NOT harassing the public and NOT carrying weapons.

    Our police forces should NOT be allowed to carry weapons any longer. They have proven time after time they have NO judgement. Take away (disarm) their weapons, give them a short billy club, whistle and a radio.

    And if they prove they can be trusted with these, MAYBE we will give them handcuffs.


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