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Friday, May 30, 2014

Fruitland Police Department Press Release 5-29-14

The Fruitland Police Department is proud to announce the implementation of their new Overdose Response program. The Fruitland Police Department has partnered with the Wicomico County Health Department, which provided the training and supplies needed for the implementation of the program.

The program is intended to reduce the number of fatal overdoses due to opioid use and abuse. Every Fruitland police officer has completed the training and is certified to administer Naloxone if the symptoms of overdose are present. Naloxone can be administered nasally and blocks the effects of opioids. By administering Naloxone, officers could potentially afford the victim enough time to be transported to a hospital and receive life saving treatment.


  1. Why? So they can spend a day in the hospital and go out to do drugs again?

  2. Where is Darwin when you need him.

  3. I was going to say the thing 6:58, you beat me to it!!

  4. So now we are going to trust idiots with badges and guns to make medical decisions?
    Like when they think diabetics in diabetic coma's are drunk and beat, taze and pepper spray them all while yelling stop resisting to unconscious comatose people?
    This is brilliant!

  5. It would be a whole lot cheaper for the taxpayers to just let them die!

  6. It's a nice thought, but as a parent of a drug addicted life ruining kid, I have to also agree with 6:58.

  7. Way if the patient has an altered mental status from diabetic difficulties? Has these officers trained to rule out other medical issues? I foresee a lot of law suits. Let's cops be worthless and the ems be heroes


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