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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Flunking student gets A+ after sex with teacher

Teen scores with stellar grade of 98

With the large number of teachers having sex with their students across America, it was virtually inevitable a case would arise where a student’s grades might be affected.

Now an Oklahoma English teacher is in hot water for giving a failing student an A+ after allegedly having sex with the male teenager multiple times.

Kalyn Darby Thompson, 25, of Glenpool, Oklahoma, had not even completed a full year of instruction at Kellyville High School when she turned herself in to authorities in mid-April.

She’s now facing a charge of second-degree rape.

“This will follow her for the rest of her career,” Creek County Detective Chrissie Underwood told KOTV. “She probably will not have a career in teaching after this.”



  1. These women are hot to. They have older, eligible and legal men that would date them in a heartbeat and they want to have sex with a child. What is wrong with this world we live in.

    I think their are more women preying on boys than men preying on the girls.

    Now their may be more men preying on boys, but only Jim knows that answer.

  2. Are there no intelligent high school boys left? They don't know how to leave technology out of a relationship and they can't keep their mouth shut.

  3. I remember those days. when I was in high school I wish I could have slept with many of my teachers. they all were Hottys ,maybe I would have got straight A'S back then instead being just the average student.

    1. I'm with you 9:38. From 13 on, the only women that didn't look sexy were near death or had a third eye. I recounted a similar story of a young female teacher having sex with her male teenage student to my 85 yo father, a year or so ago. His reply was, where were these teachers when I was in school? Case closed!

  4. Anonymous said...
    Are there no intelligent high school boys left? They don't know how to leave technology out of a relationship and they can't keep their mouth shut.

    May 17, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    Stupid aren't they. Ruined a good thing he had going just for bragging rights.

  5. That teacher in this article is pretty hot. What is it with them wanting to have sex with little boys?

  6. I was going out with women older than her when I was 17.I considered myself to be the predator.In the late 60's and early 70's we did not have technology of any kind at our fingertips,and I had no desire to ruin a good thing by running my mouth.

  7. where were these teachers when i was a teenager ? i prayed for that. and it may be the way the law is worded, but it is not rape.

  8. I had a teacher or two I would have loved to get into the sack, if I could figure out what I was doing back then.

  9. she is 25, he is 18. big deal. she ruined her career, made some mistakes and might get jail out of this. I think she has suffered enough already. she chose the wrong career to do this type of thing. If she was in politics, no one would bat an eye.


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