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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

FCC: Basic Cable Prices Increased At Four Times Rate Of Inflation

If you just had a hunch that your basic cable pricing was going up more rapidly than the other things you pay for, you’re probably not mistaken. A new FCC report on the cost of pay-TV services says that during 2012 the cost of a basic cable TV package increased at more than four times the rate of inflation in the U.S.

According to the report [PDF], during 2012 the average price of the most basic cable package increased by 6.5% to $22.63. Meanwhile, inflation in the U.S. that year was only 1.6%.

Rates for the more popular “expanded basic” packages jumped up 5.1% to $64.41 in 2012, more than three times the rate of inflation.



  1. And I ask every cable customer, are you getting what you pay for? Are you and your kids entertained, well-informed or educated by what you see on cable, or just zombiefied and dumbed down to meet the content? As for the kids, are they going to take away anything of value?

    Give it up for a month and see how much you miss. The kids might squawk at first, but after that, they'll find other things that may even be useful to their lives.

    It's been three years since we pulled the plug at our house. The kids are just fine with it. I don't miss the noise.

  2. 10 years cable-less in our household, don't miss much, except game of thrones, and I can watch that online.

  3. We don't have cable or satellite and are just fine with the 9 local digital channels we have. Love the money we save too! ME-TV just started on 47-3 last night. We love those old shows! :-)

  4. Give up cable TV - I have been CATV free for 3 years now. Go ROKU and subscribe to The Blaze.

  5. I heard there are 2 more local digital channels coming next month- NBC and COZI TV (another channel with old shows on it)

  6. When you give up the cable they will make up the loss on the internet they charge to much for.

  7. They are also breaking the must carry laws. Law says you get the same signal broadcast. Yet the Cable Companies are not doing that instead they degrade the signal trying to force you to pay what the law required they give you as basic service.
    I just plug directly into the TV and get the digital but how long that will work I do not know. When it ends I will cancel.

    Now with the bandwidth charges streaming TV could become ultra expensive as well. 300 GB is only 10 per day. At high def and with three people that is very limiting.

  8. 1:26 PM:

    So, in other words, you're missing nothing.

    I have phone and a DSL line from Cavalier Telephone in a package for something like $55 a month. Good speed for streaming and downloading on the DSL and never a breakdown in 10 years.

  9. GOSH DARN!!! Hope the FCC didn't spend a lot of money on this research, all they had to do was contact Comcast customers and we could have explained it to them!!!!! Glad they at least recognized there's a problem. NOW DO SOMETHING!!

  10. 4:59 I fail to understand the necessity of your crappy comment to 1:26.

  11. 6:17 PM:

    No crappy comment intended, only amplifying the previous comment as a lead-in to my own.

    Congratulations to them (really) for getting out of and staying out of the "gotta have it" tv merry-go-round.

  12. 6:17 PM:

    Seems like you read a lot into a simple statement that just agreed with the commentor's, which said that he/she didn't miss cable except for a show he/she could get elsewhere.

  13. cut cable more than three years ago.
    Internet only.
    I do not mis it at all. Until cable companies allow users to choose their programming wo subscription service contact, I will remain as is.


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