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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star: ‘They Railed Against Me For Giving Them The Truth About Their Sins’

West Monroe, La. (CBS HOUSTON) – Phil Robertson, star of the popular “Duck Dynasty” television show, defended his controversial comments on homosexuality, giving a church sermon in which he ridiculed media coverage and others “blurring” the lines between “sinners” and homosexuals.

In a video of an Easter Sunday sermon at Whites Ferry Road Church in his hometown of West Monroe, La., that has gone viral, the “Duck Dynasty” star – who was suspended for making similar comments in a GQ interview last year – told the congregation that he refuses to back down on his beliefs.

Robertson called the media outrage absurd over his GQ interview comparing homosexuality to bestiality and various other “sinners.”

“They were mad at me,’ he tells the congregation. “You say, ‘Why’d they get mad at you?’ Cause instead of acknowledging their sin, like you had better do, they railed against me for giving them the truth about their sins. Don’t deceive yourselves.”

Robertson’s volume increased as he paraphrased the Corinthians verse of Biblical “sinners.”



  1. Biggest Demon is Prez ObamaMay 28, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    the Demons on this Earth cannot handle this...

  2. "Biggest Demon is Prez Obama said...
    the Demons on this Earth cannot handle this...

    May 28, 2014 at 9:07 AM"

    I don't think anyone likes when they are told they are sinning/sinners. The problem with these gays is that they get all riled up when someone points it out, unlike the rest of us who accept we are sinners and strive to do better. This lying to themselves is what has messed them up in the heads. An awful lot of them drink to extreme.

  3. As Harry Truman once said "I don't give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it's hell."

  4. God will be the judge not the leftist media.

  5. Who is he to judge? He is just a narcissistic fool.

  6. Thou does protest too much. How long before he is caught with another guy.

  7. Not to worry, Ob' is now figuring what to do to surreptitiously shut him up. Expect him to have an "accident" OR to commit suicide.


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