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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Don't Hold Your Breath


  1. Trey Gowdy is going to prosecte him and HillaryMay 15, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    I smell Impeachment Time...WHEW-WHEW....

    R-U all aware that Obama has already hired an attorney to represent him on these charges?

    That is correct, and he lost his LAW LICENSE in 2008 for lying on his School Applications.....

  2. He won't because he is only stupid towards Americans. I'm a Veteran and served my Country and this Muslim apologized for my Country.

  3. I hope the first Congressional move in 2015 is the impeachment party! Because I am ready to partaaaaay!

  4. Thank you, Trey! I loved your Dad and his shows, but never imagined that he would have created a wonder such a you! I have your back, and applaud what you are doing!

    God bless

  5. Obama Bin Biden is a Muslim Terrorist and needs to be handled accordingly.

    If his actions happened in another country as their president he would have been stoned to death.


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