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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dolphins Fine Safety Don Jones For Michael Sam Comments

As The Washington Post’s Cindy Boren reported: ”Michael Sam, the first openly gay player taken in the NFL draft, celebrated the moment the way other football players have celebrated: by kissing the person he is in a relationship with. The NFL’s historic moment was filmed by ESPN and, as St. Louis Rams Coach Jeff Fisher told him the news over the telephone, Sam broke into tears and sobbed. Then he embraced and kissed his boyfriend as they shared cake.”

But that didn’t go over well with some other NFL players.

CNN reports that Miami Dolphins safety Don Jones expressed his disapproval, tweeting “horrible” and “OMG” after the kiss was aired. He has since deleted those comments.


  1. That's sick!! Don't show that crap on TV.

  2. Dolphins ought to be ashamed! He has every right to express his views to an unnatural actor!

  3. Crap like the image above makes me want to PUKE and I guess that makes me a Homophobe, right Jimmy?

    Sick Puppies

  4. ESPN is a Disney held subsidiary... and they want you to take your Children to their Theme Parks and movies with hidden themes regarding Children who don't need Parents..

    Walt would be having something to say about where his vision has gone.. you have to wonder what?

    Personally I feel the NFL and all Pro Sports has been consumed by Satanic destructive forces.. They have all reached the point of diminishing returns..as has the USA itself.. we need to pray and repent ..there are no two ways about it.. Obama has called himself God in speeches .. I am sure he feels this is true ..

  5. I am tired of the gay agenda being forced on me. I keep my heterosexual relationships private, so you should keep your homosexual relations private also.
    A hug and peck are fine, sucking face isn't no matter what the gender/relationship.

  6. I haven't watched this crap since the Colts left Baltimore. Doesn't look like I will be any time soon, either.

  7. My Main QUESTION is what happened to Freedom of Speech ?????? Or did that get thrown out once this new crowd is slowly taking office all over the country and in Washington ?? Seems like when we straight people speak up on our feelings we are slapped down like criminals ??

  8. 25 years ago the homo community went to pro-family gatherings and chanted we're here, we're queer, get used to it. well, I haven't gotten used to it and continue to believe it's un-natural and against God's teaching. God doesn't hate homo's and neither do I. God loves all, but hates all sin and He considers this sin and perversion. so sad to see it thrown in our faces. someone earlier said we don't flaunt our heterosexuality so why flaunt their homosexuality?

  9. Leave it to Joe to also admit his hate towards the gays. Shame on you Albero. I wish your kid was gay. Then you'd change your ugly tune.

  10. JoeAlbero said...
    Crap like the image above makes me want to PUKE and I guess that makes me a Homophobe, right Jimmy?

    Sick Puppies

    May 12, 2014 at 8:23 PM

    I agree with you 100% Joe. Screw Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Julia Glanz and Josh Hastings. These people are ruining our area with their love of Same Sex Marriage Equality.

  11. In the animal kingdom. the queers would be pushed out. Maybe we should try it. I don't hate queers or whatever you want to call them, just don't get in my face with it. Throw a slushie at me and you'll get your ass whipped. So the question arises, do you have to determine pitcher or catcher before you can whip some ass?

  12. The liberals say this is progress and expect everyone to tolerate it.
    They expect everyone to tolerate Communism too and they prove that when you don't tolerate homosexuality as they will try to shout you down, assault you or basically do ANYTHING to keep your opinion from being heard up to and including making it a crime to speak out against them. Obama has proven they will even use the power of the Federal Government to silence you with various gun wielding agencies. (IRS,EPA,DHS...)
    And that my friends is classic COMMUNISM.
    Don't vote Democrat.

  13. The problem is it's not equality their after, it they want to force you to believe in their ways.....Which if you want to be Gay that's fine with me....I have Gay friends and the Gay friends I have think that all Gays are being thrown into a pile of the "look at me I'm gay crowd" (can't even begin to tell you how physiologically screwed up some are)
    Most Gay people just want to have equality and live their lives.....just like everything else 10% ruin it for everyone...

  14. People used to get all bent about interracial couples holding hands or kissing in public too.

    And, on the "freedom of speech" front, you are all allowed to say that you are sickened by this, or say whatever you want about it, but don't get all bent when someone else exercises their freedom of speech to call you out on it.

  15. Freedom of expression is gone. Dolphins should be ashamed of their actions against Don Jones!

  16. If the straight players can do it on TV so can the gay ones. Fair is fair

  17. I don't care what your sexual preferences are, you may as well be a necrophiliac, eww, keep it in the bedroom not on the "silver screen"

  18. 9:12, you still have free speech. THe problem now is it is to costly to say anything. I for one don't care if I offend someone. Its their problem not mine if the don't agree. Besides, I think I'm a lesbian!

  19. That is enough to make me throw up!

  20. A homo football player kissing his perverted "girlfriend" and the liberal left wing media calls this a historic moment in America. OMG! That is horrible! I agree. You people are sick, very sick!!

  21. If you don't want to see us kiss then don't watch television.

    Its that simple.

    You want to prevent us from exercising our rights to be the completely normal, wholesome people we are.

    You are probably gay.

  22. "You want to prevent us from exercising our rights to be the completely, normal, wholesome people we are"..

    That's the problem. Gays ARE NOT "normal". So don't try to sugar coat it. You are a bunch of sick perverted people.

    Do what you want in the privacy of your own home. But stop shoving it in the worlds face.

    Stop trying to get everyone in the world to "accept" you. It will never happen. Get over yourself.

  23. @10:20

    Will you please explain how 2 consenting adults who love each other expressing a moment of joy is not "normal". Please to explain why they are not normal, and why they are "a bunch of sick perverted people".. your words. The burden of proof, lies on the one making the claim. You said it, now validate it.

  24. @11:39 If the entire world was gay what would happen to the human race?

  25. @12:58

    "@11:39 If the entire world was gay what would happen to the human race?"

    Other than becoming better dressed? More civilized? More Polite and kind? Communities cleaned up and homes remodeled to be absolutely fabulous? There would be no bad dancers, music would be spectacular, everyone would be beautiful? Other than crime rates would drop? Wars would end, the world would be at piece, and everyone would dance like no one was watching.

    Come to think of it, the human race would be pretty amazing then.

    Why, what did you think would happen?

  26. @1:36 I think you just proved @10:20 point. Because of course being gay is about dressing better, dancing better... These are such important issues. LMFAO

  27. Anonymous said...

    "@11:39 If the entire world was gay what would happen to the human race?"

    Other than becoming better dressed? More civilized? More Polite and kind? Communities cleaned up and homes remodeled to be absolutely fabulous? There would be no bad dancers, music would be spectacular, everyone would be beautiful? Other than crime rates would drop? Wars would end, the world would be at piece, and everyone would dance like no one was watching.

    Come to think of it, the human race would be pretty amazing then.

    Why, what did you think would happen?

    May 14, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Fabulous is a HOMO term that you hear them use in the gay twang all the time.

    Homos are to stupid to realize that same sex marriage is not procreation and they would eventually be eradicated from the earth.

  28. "exercising our rights" We Have a right too..not to be subjected to every whim and the psychobabble hate that comes from every Gay Activist being paid for by the cash our Politicos steal from us .. that is their smug ... dirty little secret

  29. Lois Lerner worked overtime to quell Heterosexual activism.

    .while Gay Activists get Millions from George Soros that he steals from the insider trading scams they have in play..using Government action to manipulate the markets.. the residual from Hedge Fund thieves


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