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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Democrats Trade Barbs In First Televised Debate in Governor's Race

Seven weeks before the primary election, the leading Democratic candidates for governor held their first broadcast debate tonight.

Attorney General Doug Gansler got off to a quick start Wednesday night, criticizing Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown for the state's rocky health exchange rollout.

Gansler says Brown is responsible for "an unmitigated disaster," and he says there has been a "coverup" in getting all the facts about what went wrong.


  1. 3 grown men arguing like babies....

  2. These two clowns and one clownette (OK that might be up for debate too) have no desire to make things better - just bigger!

  3. Is Anthony a homosexual?

  4. All 3 men are worthless hopefully people won't be stupid enough to vote democratic again after all that Owe-malley has done to destroy Maryland. The homosexual lady in the middle looks like Justin Beiber

  5. I watched -- it was just like the 3 stooges

  6. Anonymous said...
    Is Anthony a homosexual?

    May 8, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    There are two in that picture who are known to be. Guess which one isn't.

  7. Anonymous said...
    I watched -- it was just like the 3 stooges

    May 8, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    You have a better stomach than I do!!

  8. Is that Jim Ireton in the middle? I've never seen him without his glasses on.

  9. Mizeur looked out of her element. And that color blue is not a good one for her. She looked wimpy.


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