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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Crime or Scandal?


  1. I don't think "Rich" is the correct adjective.. It's more like Left Wing Movie Stars or Musicians...

  2. Same as when your the States Attorney and get caught drunk with a loaded firearm, it is dismissed! Joe Smoe goes to prison!

  3. That is so true! Perfect example is the owner of Jones Levi in Salisbury, he is a Heroin dealer and only got 6 months work release, anyone else would have gotten 10 years, just on the gun charges he had. And he's back at it. Imagine that.

  4. Rich works just fine.

    No need to overthink it.

  5. The "haves" and "have-nots" will always get different treatment under the law. That will never change in this country. One percenters rule.

  6. I watched this very thing happen yesterday in judge John P. Rue II's district courtroom.


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