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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Council Moves Forward With $3 All-Day Bus Option, Eliminates Buck-A-Ride Fee

OCEAN CITY – Effective Friday, the town’s bus system will be charging a $3 ride-all-day fare as the Mayor and City Council voted to eliminate the $1 per boarding this week while passing the upcoming fiscal year’s operating budget that sets the tax rate at the constant yield level.

A public hearing was held on Monday evening concerning the proposed bus fare change. At the work session on April 15, the council voted to move forward with a fare change for the town’s municipal bus service, eliminating the $1-per-boarding fare option. This results in a single fare system of $3 ride-all-day with an implementation date of Friday, May 23, at 6 a.m.

Ocean City resident John Adkins, who drove a city bus for seven years, recommended implementing a local bus pass during the hearing.


  1. This is a horrendous idea. A group of 4 who used to pay $4 to ride the bus, will now be paying $16 and they are not going to do it. They are going to drive. This is going to create more traffic and parking nightmares and no doubt increase the drunk driving incidences including deadly accidents. Should have left well enough alone.

  2. The $3 is still a great deal. Hell, it was $2 before to get there and back home duh! One stop and you were at $3 anyway with having to screw with paying each time. In today's economy $3 isn't jack poop. Grow up and deal with it.

  3. Nice of OC to crap on the min/wage workers by giving them a 2% wage cut.

  4. 12:33 Take your personal transportation costs and increase that by 50% and you'll have an idea of the effect on someone making min/wage in OC.

  5. Anonymous said...
    This is a horrendous idea. A group of 4 who used to pay $4 to ride the bus, will now be paying $16 and they are not going to do it. They are going to drive. This is going to create more traffic and parking nightmares and no doubt increase the drunk driving incidences including deadly accidents. Should have left well enough alone.

    May 24, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    Um.. Is that some of the common core math?

  6. They should still keep the $1 option for those that only want to ride the bus one way. I don't plan on using the bus more than once or twice.

    I guess I will continue to drive my own vehicle and they won't get any of my money.

  7. Anonymous said...
    The $3 is still a great deal. Hell, it was $2 before to get there and back home duh! One stop and you were at $3 anyway with having to screw with paying each time. In today's economy $3 isn't jack poop. Grow up and deal with it.

    May 24, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    It's either a Democrat, someone connected to the service or someone who will never use the service that condones any increase in fees. What idiot says prices increases are a good idea or fair without being intimately involved. Why don't you idiots pay more to cover my costs.

  8. I don't have to use the bus 12:33 because I have a full time farm manager who rarely when I do drink, drives for me. I have more money in my back pocket on any given day then most people have total so I don't use the bus 12:33 so don't you ever forget it. I rarely venture into Ocean City for that matter as I'm several counties away.
    If you don't think the kids who use the bus, for transportation to and from bars aren't going to now drive to save the money for drinking then you are grossly uninformed and really really need to get out and see how the real world works. It would benefit you greatly. You really really need to grow up, because you clearly do not care about people's safety especially those who are going to be exposed to the massive amounts of drunk drivers who will now be on the streets of Ocean City.

  9. I don't think 3 dollars is so bad. By the time you figure in the gas you will spend waiting in all the traffic and the money you will have to pay to park it still seems like it would be cheaper. Think of all your tax money that is being spent to fund other types of transportation in Maryland. They should raise the rates on buses and the Metro as well. They should be able to operate without having loads of tax payer money to survive.

  10. One of these days we will be blessed with elected officials who instead of raising fees, implementing new taxes and other forms of nickel and diming people to death, will come up with creative alternative options for funding various services.

  11. Look at it this way - now it is $1.50 each way and you get the option to ride for free the rest of the day.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Look at it this way - now it is $1.50 each way and you get the option to ride for free the rest of the day.

    May 24, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    Most people don't need to ride all day you idiot.

    I have tried using the bus before and had to wait and wait because the bus was full. When I did get on I had to stand up squished like sardines.

    I will drive my own car and get their much quicker.

  13. My daughter road the bus today, gave the attendant a $20 and got $77 in change back. That's what our school are producing for the OC workforce. I guess we will be riding the bus for "free" all Summer now.


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