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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Cops Assault, Taser Wrong Man, Laugh About Framing Him “Someone drop the dope in here”

Reginald Johnson, has settled a civil lawsuit charging excessive force against the city of Seaford and a city police officer for $270,000.

The last thought that Johnson had on his birthday was being pulled over, yanked out of his car, tasered, and arrested. But that is exactly what the Seaford Police Department did to him.

According to Delaware Online, the incident that was the focus of Reginald Johnson’s suit was caught on police dashcam and showed two Seaford officers, who mistook Johnson for someone else, pulling over Johnson’s car, demanding he get out and without allowing Johnson much time to respond, shooting him with a Taser and roughly handcuffing him.

Moments later, after Johnson protests that he has done nothing wrong, two officers can be heard laughing and one joking about planting drugs in Johnson’s car; ”Someone drop the dope in here.”



  1. So now that you see this is happening in our area what are people going to do about this?

    Who were the harassing officers? These are local cops. What are their names?

    Who are the cops we need to worry about?

  2. Unless there is more to the story, Hopefully, other punishment is coming. 270K. The police got off too cheap. .

  3. Cops are no more than thugs with a gun and license to do whatever they want. If any of us had done that to someone we would be locked up as well. I hope every cop on the scene is fired and assault charges brought against them. Mr. Johnson should have sued for a hell of a lot more than $270,000.


  4. Who were the harassing officers? These are local cops. What are their names?

    Who are the cops we need to worry about?

    May 1, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    If you follow the link in Joe's post you will have that.

  5. Good for him for suing. Cops acted like azzhules.

  6. What a friggin joke, at 4:00 the cops actually blames him for the whole debacle.

  7. It's officially over via double jeopardy laws.

  8. What was that? Seven cops to take down one unarmed innocent citizen...and they felt the need to tase him "for their safety." What a crock. Unfortunately, its just another case of police brutality and bullying. Its why A LOT of people don't like cops. It is not their JOB to behave or act like that. All cops that behave like that, behind the cover of their badge, are cowards and aholes.

  9. Mr. Johnson should have sued for a hell of a lot more than $270,000.

    May 1, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    That was a settlement. If the lawsuit continued it would take (more) years for a resolution.

  10. That's what happens when the cops, whose duty is supposedly to "serve and protect," become militarized and view citizens as "the enemy." Now-a-days, your either a cop (with em) or a civilian (the enemy). Cops are SUPPOSED to protect us, not attack us. They have become the lawful citizen's enemy.....

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's officially over via double jeopardy laws.

    May 1, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    What the heck do you think you are saying?

  12. if that happened to me,after i got done suing the city and those cops,i would make sure both of those no good pieces of shit wound up the hospital and never walked again.

  13. More of the usual.

  14. You know, I'm glad this man took them to task and was awarded money. That said, I am really getting angry that we as taxpayers are the ones that ultimately pay for bad cops abuse.

    There needs to be a change. A law, something, that makes these cops pay the penalty themselves,(or pay back whoever paid it out), and be banned for life from holding another job as policeperson.

    The NBA can ban someone for words, yet these thugs murder, rob, rape, kidnap, etc., with impunity and are allowed to continue to do so even when they are found wrong. And even that is after they go on an extended PAID suspension.

    This type of crap has got to stop, one way or another.

    In all seriousness, people are really getting angry about this abuse from cops. People in this area may not know about most of it since we are not really that populous.

    But if our lawmakers do not soon address and correct this, there will be some citizens who will. And I am not making a threat, just a prediction/promise.

    When people in power break laws, there is no law. And some will act accordingly.

    I, for one, would not blame them.

  15. Prison for you and I. High fives at the police station for the cops. They won't pay a dime.
    Typical sissy, short guy, scared to death of EVERYTHING cop behavior. Seven against one? Tasered? Beaten up? AND IT WAS THE WRONG GUY!??
    Either make them personally responsible for their actions -- standard for the non-badge carrying taxpayers --- or look the other way when citizens shoot back --- like the States Attorneys do when cops blast little kids, unarmed women, and handcuffed teenagers.
    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is the state of law enforcement today. Look at the Philly case of the cops who (on film) beat, robbed, stole, and trashed the businesses of local citizens.
    Not one of them even got charged with tresspassing. You or I would be looking at 25 to life.
    I'm in favor of shooting first, but thats just me. It may not be for everyone. At least right now. Soon, though, Very soon.
    Thats why they are practicing large scale civil supression, coordinating with the military (!) -- screw the Posse Comititas Act --- and acquiring military equipment.
    They know whats coming. Many civilians do, too, but mostly the population is like the citizens of 1937 Germany.
    They, too, thought "it could never happen here." Millions of dead Germans later, they wished they had been more vigilant. Millions of dead. Millions.
    And just like those millions, "not doing anything wrong" won't save YOU, either.

  16. 4:32. You are right.

    They have a pension fund that should be raided to pay the settlement. Every cop should lose part of their pension. That would bring a quick stop to this kind of thing. The guilty ones should lose more. But all have to lose to stop this.

  17. Good idea 7:01. I would double the penalty for those who betray our trust.

  18. This cop basically STOLE 100 dollars from 2,700 individual Seaford residents. Just put his hand in their wallet and took it and is on the job still to take more.
    The contemptuous attitude of these cops and ALL cops is what needs to be punished. The time will come I'm sure for citizen's to level justice.


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