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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Confederate Heroes Have Their Own Medal Of Honor

HANCOCK, Md. -- The Medal of Honor, created by Congress during the Civil War as America's highest military decoration for valor, was never meant for Americans who fought for the South. They were the enemy, after all.

But there's a Confederate Medal of Honor, little known yet highly prized, that the Sons of Confederate Veterans bestows on those whose bravery in battle can be proven to the private group's satisfaction.

The silver-and-bronze medal is a 10-pointed star bearing the Great Seal of the Confederate States and the words, "Honor. Duty. Valor. Devotion."



  1. Spare me what a bunch of crap

  2. 7:35 You are crap.

  3. I will take my Jefferson Davis any day over your Muslim from Kenya.

  4. Forest deserves another medal for the great thing he did at Fort Pillow.

  5. "Confederate heroes?" I have another word for them. Traitors.

  6. Anonymous said...
    "Confederate heroes?" I have another word for them. Traitors.

    April 29, 2014 at 5:45 AM

    BTW Confederate Heroes is 2 words Dummy!! Proves you were indoctrinated in the public school systems. You are to stupid to think and vote for yourself.

    Anyone who voted for or supports Obama, Reid, Pelosi, O'Malley, Conway, Pollitt or Ireton is a TRAITOR!!

  7. Wasn't it the Democrats who were the problem with the Ku Klux Klan. Yes it was but you anti-Confederate morons weren't taught that in the public schools and you are to stupid to do your own research.

    Here's your Kool Aid!!

  8. Nothing heroic about it.

  9. If some of the thinking here was the majority in the 1700s we would still be paying taxes to the British Crown.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Nothing heroic about it.

    April 29, 2014 at 6:47 AM

    You obviously don't know history and I am thinking you voted for Obama.

  11. Actually the Tories were the conservatives of their day.

  12. We need to have another Civil War and settle this once and for all.

  13. The war is over 1:46, we won.

  14. >>>"Confederate heroes?" I have another word for them. Traitors.<<<

    This is the simplistic crap taught in today's schools and reinforced in the university. I'm constantly amazed that there are people dull enough to believe it. Tell me, 5:45, does it hurt to be this stupid?

  15. Sad what people are being taught these days in school

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The war is over 1:46, we won.

    April 29, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    Who is we?

  17. Most of these commenters have no clue who Jefferson Davis or Thomas Jackson was.


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