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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Committee OKs End To Door-Slot Mail For Millions

Millions of Americans would no longer get mail delivered to their door but would have to go to communal or curbside boxes instead under a proposal advancing through Congress.

The Republican-controlled House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on an 18-13 party-line vote, approved a bill Wednesday to direct the U.S. Postal Service to convert 15 million addresses over the next decade to the less costly, but also less convenient delivery method.

Democrats objected to the plan, and efforts in recent years to win its adoption have failed.



  1. Imagine that.. Dems objecting to a plan that will reduce the cost of the USPS.. instead they will continue to allow them to bleed our tax dollars dry and operate in the RED year after year.. They need to shut down Saturday hours as well. Some how this will be Bushes fault.

  2. Anonymous said...
    Imagine that.. Dems objecting to a plan that will reduce the cost of the USPS.. instead they will continue to allow them to bleed our tax dollars dry and operate in the RED year after year.. They need to shut down Saturday hours as well. Some how this will be Bushes fault.

    May 22, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    You are an idiot if you think this is a cost saving measure. They will not be cutting jobs one bit. That is something the government doesn't do so you are just showing your ignorance.

    To be honest I don't like the mail carriers walking through my yard, but I also don't want to put up a stand alone mailbox in my yard. I can see kid knocking it over now. I can see kids riding their bikes into it and getting injured. I can see extra work and fuel being wasted by cutting grass around it then having to pull out the weed whacker to trim around it.

    My front yard in town isn't that big. Walk down my sidewalk and place the mail in my box like has been done for nearly 50 years or more.

  3. Would you be happier with one group mailbox at the end of your street? Careful about your complaints or that is what you will end up with, it is part of this proposal.

  4. 12:25.. Really, you are the IDIOT! You are 1 in a million that they won't have to walk to.. who cares that your yard is small... many aren't.

  5. Reform means paying bonuses and more benefits to the high ups!

  6. 12:25 Walk down my sidewalk and place the mail in my box

    Should he ring the bell and place it in your hands too?
    Bet you could stand to walk and lose a few pounds too.

  7. I will trump all of you. USPS is propped up by junk mail.

    KEEP IT!!!

  8. Anonymous said...
    12:25.. Really, you are the IDIOT! You are 1 in a million that they won't have to walk to.. who cares that your yard is small... many aren't.

    May 22, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    Actually I think you are the idiot.


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