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Thursday, May 29, 2014

City Council to Hold Election Redistricting Public Hearing

The Salisbury City Council invites members of the public to participate in a public hearing to be held Thursday, May 29, 2014 to obtain public input on a proposed amendment of the City’s election
districts. The proposal would increase the current two (2) districts to five (5) districts with each district electing one (1) Council member.

Voting districts are considered following the release of population and demographic figures from each U.S. Census, the last being held in 2010. Districts are drawn in compliance with section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. In drawing district lines, the City must consider a number of factors, such as compactness, contiguity, respect for “communities of interest” and others. The current two-district system began as result of a consent order issued by the U.S. District Court in 1987. It was later modified when the City Council approved Charter Resolution No. 2170 on June 11, 2012. That Resolution
eliminated staggered elections in the City of Salisbury such that in November 2015 all five (5) Councilmembers and the Mayor shall be elected at the same time to serve four-year terms provided for the election of the Mayor for a term to run until November 2015
enlarged Election District 1 and provided for the election of one (1) Councilmember from that district for a term to run until November 2015 reduced Election District 2 and provided for the election of one (1) councilmember from that district for a term to run until November 2015 provided that as of the General Election of November 2015 District 1 shall be further increased in area and District 2 shall be further decreased in area such that two (2) Councilmembers shall be elected from District 1 and three (3) Councilmembers shall be elected from District 2

The City Council invites public input and any suggestions or plans they may have before deliberating on the final district lines to be drawn.

The Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Government Office Building, located at 125 N. Division St., Salisbury, MD. Input and questions may also be directed to the entire Council via email to AllCityCouncilMembers@citylivingsalisbury.com or by calling the Office of the City Clerk at (410) 548-3140.


  1. There is nothing wrong with the current districts we now have. Jim Ireton is just trying to keep Debbie Campbell from getting re-elected. He is also hoping to eliminate Terry Cohen and Tim Spies.

    This city will continue to fail under this redistricting plan, just will fail at a faster pace.

  2. Muir Bota supports redistricting in Salisbury. That way when he loses the County Council race he will have another opportunity to run for the city council again. It will be his fourth attempt running for city council.

  3. I think I will take John Cannon and Matt Holloway over Muir Boda. At least you know what you are getting.

    Muir Boda is getting funding by the slum lords in Salisbury. One of them by the name of Richard Insley. Muir is so desperate to get elected he will take money from anyone.

  4. It's all part of the Democrats' plan to take over the world, one street at a time.

  5. Divide and conquer. Get 4 or 5 people on council with the wits and motivation of Shanie Shields and see where this town goes.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Divide and conquer. Get 4 or 5 people on council with the wits and motivation of Shanie Shields and see where this town goes.

    May 29, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    That is exactly what will happen and Jim Ireton is to stupid to see it. Muir Boda is to stupid to see it. They both have their own personal agendas and that is why they want it to happen.

  7. Why don't they address the spending habits of the executives office?


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