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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Citizen Journalist Visited by Joint Terrorism Task Force for Filming Police Building


  1. The "authorities" first response about citizens complaining about being filmed and photographed at every turn of the corner is "you have NO expectation of privacy when in public".
    I can't think of a more public thing than a BUILDING.
    This is just another example of them trying to cower the public. You can't LOOK at anything we tell you not to look at....
    Pretty soon, you will be forced to walk around in public with your eyes looking down and averting eye contact with any of the "mass-ta's".

  2. Citizen journalist? Hardly. This guy is just a loony toon with a camera. Just cooperate when the cops show up on your doorstep in a situation you put yourself in! What an idiot.

  3. A citizen "puts himself in a situation" by taking pictures?
    Have we become so afraid and so paranoid that taking a picture of a building now puts a citizen "in a situation" where the cops show up and he could have EASILY been killed?
    How about the idiot cops DON'T "show up" for something like that?
    How about the cops, wearing all black, in face masks, and carrying automatic weapons, don't attack citizens and beat them with rifle butts (THIS is more like SS troops than how American police should act) when they are clearly unarmed and not resisting?

  4. Idiots he was filming the State Police H.Q. Yes they have every right to question this fruit cake. So if I stand on the road and film your house you would have no objection to it. You can not have it both ways. Look at the Boston bombing you idiots. There are actually terrorist living among us. I hope someone blows your mother up. Stop the weak azz gene pool you spawned from. The you can go out with your liberal views and find the killers. Good luck with that. I would guess you would call the very police you bash lol. Liberal Donkeys

  5. Tell it to the dead kids in California. The cops need to be involved idiots


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