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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chamber Study Predicts Obama Climate Rule Will Kill Jobs

An Operating Engineer prepares to move a cut of coal hoppers for unloading at the Tennessee Valley Authority Paradise Fossil Plant in Paradise, Kentucky.

The nation’s biggest business lobby says President Barack Obama’s plan to tackle climate change could cost the U.S. economy $50 billion a year. Supporters predict it will create jobs and lower power bills.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Natural Resources Defense Council are both releasing economic impact studies this week, signaling that the political battle over the president’s plan will be fought over dollars and cents. For Obama, the risk is the plan gets labeled a job-killer just as campaigns heat up for an election that could determine control of the U.S. Senate.

In an analysis released today -- days before the Environmental Protection Agency unveils a proposal to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants -- the Chamber said that an ambitious pollution-control effort could force more than a third of the coal-fired power capacity to close by 2030, resulting in economic losses of $50 billion a year and the elimination of 224,000 jobs.



  1. That is exactly what he wants!
    He wants to destroy the systems in place. He wants America to crash so it can be "rebuilt" in the Socialist model of Engels, Marx and Lenin.
    Everything he has done in his presidency has been to accomplish that end.
    He looks like a complete failure but the reality is, to him it is being very successful for America to fail. More people dependent on Government means more votes for Government. He is turning America into the former Soviet Union. That has been the plan of the Alinskyites all along!

  2. Okay, everybody; REWIND!!!! Remember when Obama said that energy prices under his plan would necessarily SKYROCKET?

    Now before an election he's saying what! Lower prices right.

    Oh but he wouldn't lie to US!

  3. 6:12, could not have said it better myself. Thank you!!! You beat me to it. Now how can we convince his supporters that is what he is doing. It is not about the environment, it is not about health care, it is about destroying the economy of the country and it is happening every day.

  4. OBAMA=One Bad Ass Mistake America

  5. Obama is a terrorist who goals are to destroy America's way of life.

  6. Marx was his idol


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