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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Breaking News: Teachers Win State Loses

We would like to congratulate the teachers in their victory over the State of Maryland in court today.

As of 4:30pm today the judge ruled against the union and the teachers are back in full control.

Posted at 5:55pm


  1. It really doesn't make a difference , union or not , the teachers are the major problem. They don't want change , they want to do what they have done for years , nothing.

  2. 6:04. I think you are dead wrong. They are often FORCED to abide by an agenda and forced to join a union.

    This is wonderful news.

  3. I am sick and tired of comments like the one above. For 31 years I gave my all to the education of the children of Wicomico County. The majority of the teachers were dedicated to their profession and their students and the majority still are today. Yes there were a few bad teachers just as there are a few bad employees in any job. Not all teachers backed everything the association did. I do resent it when people get on here and lump all the teachers as do nothing's in their meaningless rantings. By the way not all teachers are liberal leaning, union backers. Many are conservative republicans as I am.

  4. Some of the teachers have been in the district for 15 years plus. Well before the decline in the student body. Don't blame teachers for the failures of the parent. Yes, I said parent. The lack of 2 parent households that raise children with values and morals no longer exists.

  5. Public education run by government is now an entire joke. A voucher system is the only answer. And privatize the entire education system and get rid of the D.O.E.
    and the greedy teachers and unions getting fat on our tax money.
    Let them work in a private system, they won't last. they would have to really teach, not worry about their salary and pensions.

  6. Good for education..slap down to the failing liberal approach to education..hopefully the teachers will do the right thing and distance education as far from washington and liberal doctrine as possible..communist used to call it re education programs ...this approach is failing and costing us more...top heavy unions and wasteful BOE management...elected school boards are the answer to that problem..

  7. Anonymous said...
    Good for education..slap down to the failing liberal approach to education..hopefully the teachers will do the right thing and distance education as far from washington and liberal doctrine as possible..communist used to call it re education programs ...this approach is failing and costing us more...top heavy unions and wasteful BOE management...elected school boards are the answer to that problem..

    May 1, 2014 at 7:02 PM

    An elected school board would not change the way John Fredericksen and his staff spends our money. You are foolish to think it will.

    Look at the elected County Executive and County Council and all the money they are wasting.

    Look at the elected Governor and elected state officials. Again you are foolish to think an elected school board would be any better.

  8. I am very proud of our teachers and their victory today.
    The question is what can we the public do to help?

  9. The teachers don't teach anymore , they don't have , the morons that do teach pass these people because:
    1. they don't won't to piss off Mr. Frederickson
    2. most are doing the common core thing that sucks.
    3. most just don't give a crap
    4. they can't wait till summer vacation
    5. minority are very special, I've been told.
    6. most students can't read or do simple math when they finish 12th grade.
    7. of course that's the parents fault.

  10. If you are not happy with the teachers then keep your kids home and teach them what ever knowledge that you have and hope that they can get a job at a fast food joint or dealing drugs.

  11. Trust me when I tell you that this wasn't a victory for the school teachers. It's a victory for the current board of directors of the local Lawless Teachers Union.

  12. Anonymous said...
    If you are not happy with the teachers then keep your kids home and teach them what ever knowledge that you have and hope that they can get a job at a fast food joint or dealing drugs.

    May 1, 2014 at 7:47 PM

    I've got a better idea. Give us education vouchers so we will have a choice.

  13. Good for the teachers. Maybe their hands won't be tied when they sincerely desire to instruct their students. A few students just don't care to be taught and ruin it for everyone. After all, let's not leave any deadbeats behind. Garbage now and forever.

  14. 7:36 mustn't have payed attention in class to their "moron" English teachers. His/her writing style leaves me flabbergasted....Hmmmm...I think this is why we do a rough draft first and have others review for mistakes. Oh, and spell check is pretty amazing too!

  15. If anonymous 7:36 home schools and passes on the knowledge he has the sessions would be very short! Hilarious that you call teachers morons in a post with so many mistakes that makes such little sense!

  16. 7:47-Are you aware home schooled children score 15-30 percent higher on standardized academic achievement tests regardless of their parents level of formal education?
    Home schools always score higher on SAT's and ACT's as well.
    Home schoolers are actively recruited by the highest rated colleges and universities in the US.
    Home schools also tend to score highest on the LSAT's (law school admission test.)

  17. What exactly does this mean? Are the officers (Stephenson)upheld in this decision?

  18. 7:47 you are clueless. Homeschool students graduated from college at a higher rate (66.7%) than their peers (57.5%).

    They also score higher on SAT's. Guess who scores the lowest on SAT's and ACT's. Those pursuing a degree in business AND TEACHING.
    That is not a fact that would make anyone who cares about their children happy.

  19. I never graduated from HS but have started and sold 2 companies. I have homes in several states and do not pay income tax to MD. Not everyone can do what I did. It takes someone with the ability to work hard and think outside the box. Schools don't teach that and it is not something that everyone has within them. Just as there are only a few high school athletes that will ever make it to the big leagues, there're only a few students that haves what it takes to be successful. Nothing against the the other people, but the world needs ditch diggers too.

  20. 8:38 those are national statistics not statistics from the Shore!

  21. I just have one question, did Gary Hammer turn over his previously confiscated keys, the computers, cash register, and bank account records back over to the Local school officials?

    If not - then he should be incarcerated.

  22. Few homeschooled children are minority, free lunch or special education. No wonder they score higher than public school kids.

  23. The funny thing is that Gary and his band of merry thieves think MSEA is really backing them. Wait until poop hits the fan and see how fast msea cuts them loose and blames everything on them

    1. A few words..LaRae Munk and Jimmy Edwards....questions please????!!!!

  24. I have heard that Kelly Stephenson has been restored as the acting official.

    My question, how much of the Local school teachers money is now missing as a result of some of the State union thugs bullying tactics.

    1. Ask yourself how much money Kelly I and her "self appointed BOD" spent on insurance and LaRae G. MUNK??????.....oh the answer is documented and the facts of this .....unfortunate situation I will very soon be brought to the attention of all Wicomico County citizens....and the Maryland Bar Association:):)

  25. Not one word about this on any of the other medias. I checked out all of them and there is nothing.

    SBYnews is the only go to source covering these events. THANK YOU SBYNEWS!

  26. 90% of my children's teachers have been marvelous. Having sat in each of their classrooms several times, I am amazed at how they can pull the grades they do. I have never seen such disruptive behavior tolerated until I entered their classrooms. How they concentrate is beyond me. The teachers are exasperated by the end of the day, but the students (many of them) truly do not care if they get in trouble or not. It is very sad. My own child came home and told me at age 9 that the kids whose parents don't care are the ones who don't work and come into school in bedroom slippers. The school nurse is left with children who are physically sick and vomiting because the parents left them there ALL DAY and would not come get them. One teacher even went to the E.R. and stayed until 10 at night with her student because the child's emergency contact and/or parents did not come even after being reached. This particular student was so ill he was hospitalized for 3 days. Don't even get me started on the fact that the teachers and students are forced to an unimaginable amount of state testing, leaving less instruction time. God Bless our teachers folks. They deal with more than we know. Add politics of the school system to the top of that and be thankful that they are still there trying to help our youngsters.

  27. I went to school in Wico. Hebron - Jmb jr & jmb Sr. and survived. Went on to get a college degree and a Masters degree. That was 30 years ago and my kids went to private schools far away from Salisbury. I feel for the people that have no other option but to send their kids to a public school on the Shore.

  28. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 2, 2014 at 1:17 AM

    Congrats to all Good Teachers and lets keep the fight going - Let's get rid of this Common Core Bullcrap as well. We don't need Communists in the Whie House to be pushing their Socialist Ideas on our kids. JUST SAY COMMON CORE, NO MORE!

  29. Unions and Common Core are two things teachers don't need.

  30. "I feel for the people that have no other option but to send their kids to a public school on the Shore."

    As compared to schools NOT on the shore? Do a comparison - they are not performing that badly. What do you think schools on the western shore offer that isn't offered here?

  31. I wish Somerset and Worcester county teachers would get on this bandwagon. The 3 could then start the Tri Lower Counties Education Association.

  32. Those that can, do..... Those that can't, teach!

  33. 604PM
    I would like to say I am married to a school teacher. He is very very dedicated to all of his students. The majority of teachers work at home after their work day at the school is complete. They call parents, grade papers, take trips with students all over the USA, which takes the teachers away from their families. Teachers do so very much behind the scenes that people never see nor care to see. Parents that think the problem is the teacher need to step outside their box and see the real problem is their child 75% of the time and the other 24% is the home where the child lives. MAYBE 1% OF THE TIME IT IS THE TEACHER, but very seldom. So before parents that always blame the teachers, need to look in the mirror!

  34. The recall petition is still in effect and Kelly Stevenson, et al. are going down. The new group just went about it wrong so now they will have to wait until the petition takes affect legally.

    The only supporters are the small group of current officers who will soon be ousted again, but legally and proper.

  35. 8:54-The fact that the opposition didn't go about it "legally and proper" the first time, speaks volumes about them. It shows they have some severe character flaws and are not ever to be trusted again.

    1. Legal and proper...are you for real???? ( LaRae Munk union buster......anti public schools etc...the entire truth will be available soon:) stay tuned for the truth!!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Don't blame teachers for the failures of the parent. Yes, I said parent. The lack of 2 parent households that raise children with values and morals no longer exists.

    May 1, 2014 at 6:55 PM

    I agree that the parent is the one responsible for teaching values and morals to the children.

    But you are like everyone else with your stereotyped opinions! WHY does it have to be a 2 parent household?? I am a single parent and my children have many values, morals, volunteer for the community, belong to community civic organizations, play sports and both are academic scholars. One is in ROTC and the other maintains a 4.2 average at WVU!!! It doesn't take 2 parents to have responsible, respectful and smart child/children; just the right parent!

  37. From what I read 8:10 is correct...the only winners were the local execs.....

  38. Kelly soon a temporary restraining order. That's it. The judge ruled the recall can go forward. Kelly isn't allowed to spend a dime of WCEA money on her union-busting tactics. No "vote" on union - busting that would violate the very by-laws she swore to uphold. And why is no one along where the money for her legal bills is coming from? It's outside groups who have NOTHING to do with the state of Maryland.

    1. The Center for Independent Employees is funding Kelly and Robin Cockey...a right wing association...Jimmy Edwards is a ring leader in this fiasco!!

  39. Robin Cockey is making out pretty good on this deal.

  40. great i will have more money to spend at seacrets

  41. 8:51 All the answers are in the mirror.

  42. I love being a teacher.

  43. As a teacher and a WCEA member, I have to say the more this continues the more MSEA and these Interim managers look bad. I have listened to both sides of the issue and I was supportive of staying with MSEA, but after MSEA and these managers broke into the office and did what they did, I re-evaluated my support for them. I now support Stephenson and the ELECTED officers. There is nothing they presented that would "bust" our union, in fact, now I believe that local control of our union would make us a better, stronger union. Oh yeah!! And who really cares about this Larue Munk and Edwards...If they truly funded it who cares? At least it wasn't our local dues money being spent. As a member, I will be asking MSEA to present how much of our dues money has been spent on this by them. We as members have a right to know and as a member who pays them they have to tell.

  44. When MSEA came to my school all they talked about was Munk and Edwards. I wanted to hear why we should stay with them but they didn't tell us that. We have had real issues at our school that were reported to MSEA to help us but they never did. It is clear to me that as long as MSEA wants to focus on people that have nothing to do with the issues,they really have nothing to offer us.

    1. MSEA came to our school and shared insurance information, including policy and explained dime for dime where our dues money is spent....and how elections occur...they also answered every question posed by Kelly Stephenson...Kelly and her merry liars introduced LaRae Munk as an insurance agent from TIE ...and TIE has never heard of this woman....???? Why lie about LaRae???? Ask Kelly for a detailed insurance policy, ask Kelly how she brought up health care in your negotiations......ask Kelly to put in writing what your dues will be and how she can advocatemfor us at a state level......they have altered minutes.....they have ignored a legal rep assembly vote....They have violated

  45. What makes me mad is that when Stephenson wouldn't allow for the all member vote because it didn't follow the bylaws, all MSEA did was say this decision should be all member vote. The members wanted an all member vote too. Then when Stephenson and BOD decided to make it an all member vote, MSEA is now saying they would challenge the results because its not in the bylaws. What the hell??? People at my school are pissed because they wanted to decide and it seems MSEA and these Interim people took away our right to have a say!!! MSEA should just go away.

  46. Bottom line - Who in their right mind would want to work in such an incendiary, hostile environment. Imagine yourself, a new school teacher, finding yourself smack dab in the middle of a rebellion - with little or no Voice. Add to that - an educational budget trying to be adopted between our School System and the County.

    The bigger Question:

    1. How much is this going to cost each individual Wicomico County taxpayer as they are the ones that will ultimately be enjoined into these collective bargaining agreements.

    I hope the Taxpayers in Wicomico wake-up and see the handwriting on the wall. Because it is their own hip pockets that are about to be picked.

  47. About the only fact accurate here is some of you are willing to believe any lie and misrepresentation. Comments about LaRae Munk prove that point. How can someone who has assisted educators across the nation take back local UNION control of their futures be a union buster? The truth reveals just the opposite...are you educators who operate on truth or just robots to follow lockstep the agenda of MSEA to hold on to $537,000 of our hard earned money for their use, not ours!?!?

    1. Read any Munk article...She advocates....open bid health care....larger class size.....restrictions on grievance process....she breaks up associations and salaries and benefits decline....she is pro charter school...and anti- public education......she lines her pocket as she did as the sole lawyer for AWE....she is listed on scam alerts......Google her...google Mackinac Center...google Pacific Rim Contract for Failure.....Why did Kelly and her leadership bring Munk to us.....Munk is just hear to soak us financially

    2. Truth seeker, I believe YOU are LaRae G. Munk! Just wait until you are disbarred for what you are doing! Believe that the information has moved to the appropriate agencies!

  48. How can the teachers be back in control and not the union? The problem is the school teachers were fighting their local union, ie. Kelly Stevenson, who is trying to be divisive against the teachers and the state union. You obviously don't understand the problem. Kelly Stevenson is the Union and she is the problem. She and her band of a few merry followers are demanding that the county tax payers and the WCBOE pay them pay raises and better benefits at all costs. For several years when the County, City and State employees were taking furloughs Kelly and her teachers were living high off the hog and they were some of the highest paid employees in the state. They were still getting incremental pay raises while other government employees were doing without. Hopefully you will understand the whole picture before you start taking sides.

    The WCEA is the local lawless teachers union as Bill Duvall called them.

  49. To 11:17 AM....I don't think people believe Kelly lied....especially after the office break in and the changing of the accounts and such...
    Many people I know have said Kelly has been the best president we have had in a long time because she has really stood up for us. It's a shame the MSEA and these managers behaved in this manner. Many have said criminal charges should be brought against them.

  50. 10:34 you are hilarious!!!! Teachers living high on the hog??? That is way too funny!!! Wicomico County teachers are still working behind the salary scale since 2009 and Wicomico County teachers have never been top paid teachers in the state!!! You are a hoot!!! This must be someone from MSEA who truly lives high on the hog!!!! Yes, we saw your salaries....maybe if MSEA were really doing their jobs Wicomico County teachers wouldn't be LOSING money every year they teach!!!! 10:34 you are a joke.

  51. This is directed at "May 4, 11:17
    Can you give us the answers to the questions that were asked of MSEA? They didn't answer money questions at my school. Did they tell you that they get grants from NEA (some of our dues money) to pay their lobbyists in Annapolis? Guess what they got with our money!?, FAIR SHARE! guess what we got?! our pensions placed on the backs of our county! I guess you've been enjoy the salary that you have been making for the past 6 years! If you don't think that the pensions being placed on the backs of our county has affected negotiations you better wake up. MSEA is only after what they can get out of our pockets. The interim managers will find out, when the court doesn't rule in their favor, how quickly MSEA will drop them and send them a bill for legal fees.

    1. They paid YOUR legal bills!

  52. Sounds as though Munk is the one we want. Charter Schools are now going to have to be reckoned with because the pension system is a failed system. First off - the State sent down the liability onto the counties whereby they used to pay the employers share of Social Security. Now - they have shifted the entire pension system down onto the County and even the State share has been severely curtailed by 200 million this year + 200 million next year + 200 million the following year.

    The present system is unsustainable and as much as I would like to see the current operation continue - I am a realist and know that it is going to fail. It already has - and I a many other teachers know that this system cannot continue. The teaching profession is in for some fundamental changes and by that I mean that a Pension will soon become a thing of the past. Welcome to 2014 REALITY!

  53. The entire school system is in shambles. Taxpayers cannot and should not be required to fund any of these antiquated assessments. I say shut down the entire operation and start from scratch. Everyone knows that it is broken - so I say to shut down the entire institution. The sooner it is shut down, the faster our Country can embark on a better alternative. Charters are the wave of the future.

  54. Anonymous said...
    10:34 you are hilarious!!!! Teachers living high on the hog??? That is way too funny!!! Wicomico County teachers are still working behind the salary scale since 2009 and Wicomico County teachers have never been top paid teachers in the state!!! You are a hoot!!! This must be someone from MSEA who truly lives high on the hog!!!! Yes, we saw your salaries....maybe if MSEA were really doing their jobs Wicomico County teachers wouldn't be LOSING money every year they teach!!!! 10:34 you are a joke.

    May 4, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    No actually you are a joke and I have a pretty good idea who you are because I have heard this same speech before.

    Please tell us how any school teacher in Wicomico County has lost any money. Please tell us the facts. The fact of the matter is you and the rest of the school teachers haven't lost any money. As a matter of fact you made money while the rest of the County worker endured numerous furloughs. They are the true employees who LOST money.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Sounds as though Munk is the one we want. Charter Schools are now going to have to be reckoned with because the pension system is a failed system. First off - the State sent down the liability onto the counties whereby they used to pay the employers share of Social Security. Now - they have shifted the entire pension system down onto the County and even the State share has been severely curtailed by 200 million this year + 200 million next year + 200 million the following year.

    The present system is unsustainable and as much as I would like to see the current operation continue - I am a realist and know that it is going to fail. It already has - and I a many other teachers know that this system cannot continue. The teaching profession is in for some fundamental changes and by that I mean that a Pension will soon become a thing of the past. Welcome to 2014 REALITY!

    May 4, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    And that is what you get when you, your colleagues and your Unions vote for and endorse when you vote for ANY Democrat. You should have always voted for a Republican. In this upcoming election it would be wise of you to support and vote for Republicans straight down the ticket. No more Norman Conway's and Jim Mathias'. You need to vote Republican in the County, State and Federal elections. As a matter of fact it would be wise if everyone switched parties to Republican if you haven't done so yet.

  56. To 4:34 Posting - Everyone should switch to Republican.

    Answer: You had better watch your mouth because I presently know of three notorious RINO Republicans on the County Council - (Holloway, Hall, Prettyman). I'll take a good strong conservative Democrat any day of the week in lieu of the three above mentioned Republicans.

  57. Anonymous said...
    To 4:34 Posting - Everyone should switch to Republican.

    Answer: You had better watch your mouth because I presently know of three notorious RINO Republicans on the County Council - (Holloway, Hall, Prettyman). I'll take a good strong conservative Democrat any day of the week in lieu of the three above mentioned Republicans.

    May 4, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    There is no such thing as a good strong conservative Democrat. LMAO. Please name one.

    By the way Joe Holloway is not a RINO.

  58. In the upcoming County Council Election it would be in the best interest of every citizen to vote conservative, vote this ticket.

    Wicomico County Council 2014

    District 1 - Write in Candidate(R)
    District 2 - Marc Kilmer (R)
    District 3 - Larry Dodd (R)
    District 4 - Write in Candidate(R)
    District 5 - Joe Holloway (R)
    At-Large - John Cannon (R)
    At-Large - Write in Candidate (R)

    County Executive - Bob Culver (R)

    These are the best candidates for the future of Wicomico County's future. Find "write in" candidates before it's to late. Donate and volunteer for your candidate in the upcoming elections. If you haven't done so already please switch your party affiliation to Republican.

    Absolutely no RINO's or Democrats allowed!!


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