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Friday, May 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Obama to make statement on VA scandal

President Obama will make a statement at 11:15 a.m. ET on the growing Veterans Affairs scandal. Watch live on Fox News and FoxNews.com.



  1. oh blah blah blah. will be just more empty words. anything beyond playing basketball and listening to rap music is well above this putrid piece of crap's head. if there is a God this nothing will receive the same fate as those veterans that suffered. it is all he deserves.

  2. You mean Obama is getting ready to LIE to the American Public again.Obama lies so much he cannot lay in bed straight.

  3. No 11:39, he is not going to lie. He can't be held accountable for what he did not know about. After all, he found out about it on TV just like we did...

  4. 12:15 Department heads are selected by the president, so the buck stops at his desk regardless. There has to be accountability and makes everyone wonder about his many other selections as leaders of federal departments. Obama saying he didn't know, is about as good as a student telling their teacher that the dog ate their homework!

  5. Make that self serving excuses not a "statement".

  6. Chuck Cook said...

    No 11:39, he is not going to lie. He can't be held accountable for what he did not know about. After all, he found out about it on TV just like we did...

    May 30, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    Chuck you would fall on a sword or blow your hero if he asked you wouldn't you.

  7. I lied and am sorry I appointed an incompetent person for the VA job.


  8. OweBama had no inkling of problems in this cabinet department either until he read it in The Daily Times after playing another round of golf.

    Several million folks on government payrolls, all reporting to him, and the poor fella has to rely on MSM to occasionally hear of multiple FUBAR situations reporting to him.

    Adjectives fail to accurately describe how woeful and miserable a failure he has been.


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