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Thursday, May 29, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Economy shrinks at 1 percent rate in first quarter

Commerce Department issues a revised estimate showing the economy shrank in the first quarter at a 1 percent rate, marking the worst performance since 2011.



  1. How will the Administration spin this one.. or will they just Lie and tell us everything is wonderful. The sad part is that there are people not smart enough to realize the difference. Lord help us.

  2. But, we are "in recovery". I heard Jay Carney say that just a few days ago. The figures must be wrong. NO WAY can a President run a country for SIX YEARS and still be floundering, drowning, and stumbling a nation into obscurity. No way.
    Don't be hating on obama. Check your priviledge. Don't be racist. He's doing the best he can. Unfortunately, that's the truth....

  3. Thank you Comrades Obama and O'Malley for allowing us to exist in this socialist utopia. We are blessed to be screwed by you two.

  4. these estimates were for .1% increase and report, when published was -1% ( a decrease in the economy.)


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