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Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Couple Things I'd Like To Share Today

I'll start with this. Today we will provide an unusual amount of additional articles throughout the day. Secondly, we will have a 24 hour news cycle tomorrow as well. 

On a separate note I want to talk about some discussions I've been having with some local business owners and employment.

Believe it or not, there are a LOT of great paying jobs available right here in the Salisbury area. While Salisbury News always publishes HELP WANTED ads for FREE, you won't believe what happens.

I can proudly start by telling you that each ad every business Salisbury News promotes for Help Wanted we are always told by these businesses that they ran ads with the Daily Times and rarely even got a phone call, let alone people showing up to fill out an application. While businesses are PAYING the DT's big money to run these ads, they get nothing for their money.

I personally believe that we at Salisbury News want to give back to the Eastern Shore both for people AND businesses. Therefore we run these ads for FREE and we deliver incredible results. 

OK, so recently we've been running ads and here's what happens. The businesses get an incredible volume of phone calls and a very nice turn out for people going in and filing out applications. HOWEVER, it seems many of these people are simply going in to please UNEMPLOYMENT and really don't want to work. 

While some of these people actually get hired, they show up for work and don't want to lift a finger. Many of them QUIT by lunch time on the first day. AGAIN, these are very decent paying jobs.

I was talking with someone yesterday who told me that even the people that do work for some local retail businesses sit on their butts all day long and refuse to help out co workers. One person said there's a black guy they work with who refuses to do anything and the company is afraid to fire them because the company is afraid of a discrimination lawsuit. 

My point here is, what the hell happened to this Country. I think I know and I think many of you will agree, this President has completely screwed up the American Tradition of going to work every day and providing for their Families. 

Today I will reach out to YOU as well as other organizations to let them know, SALISBURY HAS JOBS! Salisbury has good paying jobs if these lazy A$$ people will actually go to work. I know of one company who is looking to hire FIFTY PEOPLE! Here's the most interesting part, IF most of these fifty people work hard there's incredible opportunity to move up the ladder quickly. 

I don't know about YOU but I was raised to be a PROVIDER. I am very proud of what I have achieved and if you ask any one who knows me they'll tell you that you will not find a harder and more dedicated person when it comes to work than me. Am I all alone here people?

Shame on you lazy people. If your spouse/partner/child tells you there's no work out there, they're LYING. Go to WORK people. We're TIRED of paying your way. 


  1. post the name of the company who wants 50 people. I'm retired but
    want to go back to work.

  2. D.W. Burt Concrete Construction Company Call: 410-742-9983

  3. Or stop in to fill out an application at, 1802 Northwood Dr, Salisbury MD.

  4. What's available out there for a college student home for the summer?

  5. There is a segment of society who doesn't care about being a provider for their "family" and unfortunately it's these types that are creating "families" at a fast pace. It's in their upbringing. They see Baby Momma not working and being lazy and Baby Daddy if not in jail or prison isn't a positive role model either. They are sick disgusting people. No decent person ever even thinks to bring a child into this world before they are able to capably provide for the child. I say decent people need to keep their own children segregated from these types so none of their bad behaviours rub off on your child.

  6. I see lazy people who don't want to do their job, or people who hate their job all day long. And I think to myself "they should just quit because there is someone more deserving of this job, someone else who would appreciate it and do it well". This country is going to crap.

  7. Perhaps part of the problem is that job seekers don't want to start at the bottom anymore. Many feel that it is "beneath them" to do so.
    We came from a generation that expected to start at the bottom and achieve advancement through years(not days,weeks or months) of hard work. Gen X'ers and beyond don't seem to grasp this type of work ethic.

  8. Why milk the cow when the government will just hand you the milk for free?

  9. They need to teach a realism course in the final term of these kids senior year in both high school and college as they seem to think they will make millions doing nothing, more so these college kids that think they should be paid double going rates because they have to pay back a school loan.

    We have to go through so many bad apples to find a good one, and then when we find a good one they end up taking a job on the other side of the bridge after a while just to get out of Salisbury, nothing we can do to keep them here and HAPPY.

    This current crop of kids (the ones interested in working) is out to save the WORLD, not Salisbury.

    Getting harder and harder to run a business and not run yourself to the ground because everyone else wants a paycheck and will do as little as possible to earn it.

    As for us we would rather hire an older retiree than these kids with no work ethic, that is why so many kids are unemployed, they won't even dress right showing up to an interview, it really makes me sick to think about it.

    I do believe there are more jobs in Salisbury that we know about, BUT everyone is scared to hire after being burned, MD is a bunch of crock when it says it is a "At Will" state, they will suck you dry for unemployment even for the worst of employees if they know the system, what I have seen get through the appeal process is frightening.

    It should be a simple process, no work, no check.

  10. Well said, there is plenty of work available...just might not be exactly what you want, but, for a person providing for his family it is a means to an end. Stop looking for hand-outs, hard work never killed anyone and it can be rewarding!!!

  11. Joe, I get this all the time. They want to work for cash so as not to M
    "MESS_UP their unemployment! Can't something be done about this?

  12. Class of 2014 Faces A Lack Of Job Prospects

    The bell tolling at the Georgetown University clock tower is a not-so-subtle reminder to graduates that time is running out to get a job. It is why finance and marketing major Sammy Abdisubhan is suited up today for yet another job interview.

    "I think it went well...It was a job interview slash preview day, and it seems like I would get it, but I didn't want to be too certain," the senior says.

    With commencement ceremonies taking place on Friday, many Georgetown students are shocked that they are able to walk across that stage without employment waiting for them.

    Despite a much-improved economy, the Class of 2014 has found it difficult to land jobs. According to a survey, so far only 17-percent of would-be graduates have jobs lined up. In 2013, 20-percent of grads had jobs already.

    5/16/2014 10:52:00 AM

    The above is a post from yesterday, you can't have it both ways so which is it?

    1. Kinda thinking the same thing....

  13. Can someone tell that dirty looking young beggar with a limp who stands by the light at Wawa by Kohls that there are jobs available. He stands there for hours hustling for spare change when he could be looking for a job

  14. Of course this poor attitude is from the born here's (USA). I notice the Hispanics and Indians sure are not afraid of hard work and know what it takes to get ahead in this country.

  15. 9:37 - I was laid off from a major employer on the eastern shore and was not able to find similar work/compensation. I'm now working on the 'other' side and would love to come back...nobody here wants to pay even close to what I was (let alone currently am) making to do work in my specialty.

  16. 10:12
    That unfortunately, is his job. At least until the enablers (I use to be one of them), figure out that their helping will only insure their return the next day. If they want to help, donate to a local shelter or food bank. I have watched as they leave, and the limp seems to go away. It is sad to see another human being enslaved by addiction or mental health issues, but a handout is only helping them stay exactly were they are. My brother-in-law stopped at the "willing to work for food guy", and offered to feed him lunch and dinner plus $10 per hr. for some light farm work he needed done. The guy flat told him, he really didn't want to work, but just wanted money.

  17. @10:12
    Often thought about that kid, too. If he put as much time into working as he does standing out there in all kinds of weather, he'd probably do pretty well with his determination.
    Then it occurred to me that, to him, that IS his job. He might be making a lot more than we could guess.

  18. I just re-read the Bill of Rights to be sure. Nowhere did James Madison write that someone has the inalienable right to have as many children as they want and then demand society to care for them. Not that we should not care for children in need, but more over, it should come with some expectations from the parents. Including mandatory birth control after two children, work, and drug testing. Just my opinion.

  19. " Gen X'ers and beyond don't seem to grasp this type of work ethic."

    As a G Xer....screw you. I'm stuck on the bottom forever because you scumbag baby boomers refuse to ever retire. You got all the drugs and the fun...we got aids and divorce and debt. I hate baby boomers.

  20. As an employer it is just amazing how many people call out sick on a Monday. It probably counts for 3/4 of the sick days. Your not fooling anyone.

  21. 11:10 AM yeah your right, its someone elses fault you are stuck on the bottom and that is exactly where you will stay.Have a nice life you fool.

  22. Ha ha ha define, good paying.

  23. I just left lowes N. Salisbury. I happened to walk out behind 2 BROTHERS that just filled out job apps. You should have heard what they were saying to each other. Sure hope lowes doesn't hire them.

  24. 10:12 They are all on (H) they have a place to live they beg to get more (H). Dont give them a dime.

  25. 10:12 & 1:08-I gave that dirty young man lunch one day and he told me that he hoped he had a job as of the 19th of this month. Prayers for him! I won't give cash but he was so grateful for something to eat. I am fortunate to have a job so I will do what I can. Don't condemn someone until you know their circumstances.

  26. I am so sick of hearing about the 'plight of the homeless.' As a nation we spend billions on the homeless and have no tangible results to show for it. Enough already! I say round them all up and throw them in work camps and make they work for food and other necessities. They can grow and raise their own food, make license tags whatever just get them off the streets! They are a blight.

  27. SPD should do something about the panhandling in the media at all the lights on Rt.13N. Someone is going to get hit and seriously hurt. In addition, it is a safety hazard for drivers because of the distraction.

  28. Joe, you should teach a class to the young people to learn them how to work like you. Maybe you could talk to the college or local high schools about getting in there.

  29. Maybe if we stop sending our money to other countries and use it here either on homelessness or other concerns of the people. Maybe this country can become what it was. Give everyone a chance to come to this country but on their bill not ours. They live by our laws and not make up their own or try to change it to what they came to get out of. You want what we have or should I say had then act like it. Sorry little of subject. map

  30. "As a G Xer....screw you. I'm stuck on the bottom forever because you scumbag baby boomers"

    Look, dumbass, most of us boomers, who didn't get to go to Viet Nam, started out on the bottom ourselves. (You missed something called 'the draft'.) And the bottom of the ladder was a hell of a lot harder for us than it is for you punks. Quit feeling sorry for yourself - if you're worth anything, you'll advance. If you don't, you have only yourself to blame.

  31. It seems that if some companies are hiring folks who ultimately don't do the job expected of them, or sit around and wait to be fired, then some of the fault has to be with the hiring manager.

    For the past 20 years, I have been responsible for managing a department comprised of low level, mid level and very high level people from HS graduates to Ph.D. 's. Yes, I have I made a few "bad" hires over the years but for the most part, I've had very little trouble and get great satisfaction watching people grow and develop in their jobs. Putting some thought and structure into the interview, including others on the team in the process and challenging the candidate (at any skill or education level) during the interview pays off in the long run. Don't settle for the first warm body that steps through the doorway. You may regret it later.

  32. To 11:28 a.m. - Maybe if parents stopped allowing their children to stay home from school on Mondays, stop picking them up early on Fridays, let them stay home because they have the sniffles, let them stay out of school all day for an hour medical/dental appointment, let them sleep in because they are tired from their game last night, etc., they would grow up to be reliable, dedicated employees. Monkey see, monkey do.

  33. Amen, 6:08 p.m.! With an attitude like that person has, it's no wonder he/she can't advance at work! Be dependable, do your best every single day, don't run your mouth, learn all you can from others, be respectful (something that person clearly isn't), volunteer for more responsibility, and do your job! The way things are right now, I am just glad I HAVE a job and will continue to do my very best to keep it.

  34. 2:26 you are being scammed by that dirty looking young man. He will continue to panhandle

  35. That boy with the limp is Nickolas P. and he is a drug addict who goes to the Hudson Center every once in awhile or he can't get his "checks". You people are so nieve! Also doesn't always have the limp LOL

  36. Amen 8:57.
    I lost my full time 2 1/2 years ago when the company went out of business. I found a part-time job within a couple of months. It is not the ideal job. It doesn't pay as much as my full time position did and of course there are no benefits, but, I can continue to eat (a habit I have become rather fond of) regularly and I can still make my mortgage payment.

    I do my job to the best of my ability. I go to work every day I am able and if I am not able then I switch days off so I don't lose the time available to work. I will continue in this position until something better in the company opens up, or I find a better job. I think it is a matter of work ethic. I don't think a lot of the younger people have a very good work ethic.

  37. @10:45
    Good on ya! You're the type person that should be subsidized until you get on your feet.
    Good luck.

  38. 10:45 good for you and I hope you find a full time job

  39. why work when comrade Obummer will give out free stuff. The new job for some young folks is to get some gal with low self esteem pregnant get section 8 and the whole nine yards, why should they work is their attitude. if they want a raise they just pop out another baby ,presto nice pay raise.

  40. We have now gotten to the point where the people that are living on Gvmnt assistance are in big enough numbers to keep the people in office that perpetuate that. I say if you on assistance, you should not get to vote until you are off it. To me that is fair, you give up voting rights when you go to jail or take assistance from the government.

  41. As a G Xer....screw you. I'm stuck on the bottom forever because you scumbag baby boomers refuse to ever retire. You got all the drugs and the fun...we got aids and divorce and debt. I hate baby boomers.

    May 16, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    You got a lazy bad attitude too. You will always be sucking hind tit until you change your outlook.


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