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Monday, May 12, 2014

$474M of Your Taxpayer Dollars Wasted on Failed ObamaCare Exchanges

Your taxpayer dollars went to four failed state ObamaCare exchanges costing $474 million dollars. Now, those states are figuring out how to dig themselves out of the financial hole. Should they ask Washington for more money?

Oregon spent $248 million and was the first to drop its state exchange.

Politico reported:
Each of the states — Massachusetts, Oregon, Nevada and Maryland — embraced Obamacare, and each underperformed. All have come under scathing criticism and now face months of uncertainty as they rush to rebuild their systems or transition to the federal exchange.


  1. James Mathias voted to fund this debacle while voting to take funds from teacher pensions.

  2. just waiting for the whole clusterf&^% to blow over. What a waste of money. if they had thought to put that much money into the healthcare system itself: bricks, mortar, doctors, nurses, etc., it would have been a whole lot better idea than paying to create a nonfunctional website with a whole bunch of people getting paid to monitor said website... I was hoping fervently that this nightmare would never come to pass, and here it is. So they will pay some more people more money to study why it didn't work and dismantle it. All that money wasted and people not getting healthcare. Because health insurance is NOT the same as healthcare.


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