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Monday, April 28, 2014

You Got Grounded!!


  1. It would be interesting to see what the kids' ages are and how this pans out in terms of which kids do what to lift the groundings.

    Bravo to you, parents!

  2. Tried this with my middle daughter. Got FU, Dad, and walked out the door.

  3. 6:43 Did u tell her to keep walking?! Your not motel 6 and you will not leave the light on and she needs to learn how to respect you!! WHOA!! If she was mine - She would still be picking up her teeth next week!! Good Luck!!

  4. glad my mother never saw or thought of this

  5. That is just it, today's kids are not taught the meaning of respect at home anymore. They want and get everything handed to them, as they are protected by law if you use even a little bit of force on them and they let you know who has the upper hand in today's world.

  6. We did those things without being punished. They were called chores. This system teaches kids to equate work with punishment. Not a good plan. They should be doing this anyway. Seems like a liberal punishment method.

  7. yeah...I'm 30 and me and my siblings were required to do these things regardless of punishment however extra chores were intermingled with typical grounding punishments which included no phone, no friends, no fun. Aside from the typical cleaning of the bathroom, vac'ing, doing dishes, unloading dishwasher, etc...it was raking the entire yard with no help from anyone else and picking up the sticks out of the woods. There are a lot of sticks in the woods btw. If you're a smart child and you're really trying to get out of punishment, you do these chores without being asked and do a damn good job of them as well as major ass kissing.


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